SIRIO@UniTO è una piattaforma destinata a ospitare le riviste scientifiche online Open Access dell'Università di Torino, per ogni area disciplinare. Le riviste sono pubblicate e rese liberamente disponibili secondo i canoni dell'Open Access, in accordo con i principi della Dichiarazione di Berlino (testo in inglese e testo in italiano) firmata dall'Ateneo: accesso aperto alla conoscenza, massima disseminazione e visibilità sul Web per la ricerca scientifica, diffusione pubblica dei risultati delle ricerche finanziate con fondi pubblici.
SIRIO@UniTO non si configura come una University Press ma come una piattaforma che l'Università di Torino offre per la creazione di nuove riviste nate all'interno dell'Ateneo, aperte al contributo di tutti gli studiosi. Il servizio è curato dall’Unità di progetto Open Access. Non viene offerto supporto redazionale, ogni rivista è autonoma. SIRIO@UniTO può ospitare anche la versione online di riviste cartacee già esistenti. Ogni rivista ha un proprio Direttore e un proprio Comitato di Redazione che autonomamente decide le politiche e le linee editoriali, e ne è responsabile. Ogni rivista è titolare dei diritti su quanto pubblica. SIRIO@UniTO adotta il software Open Source OJS, che gestisce tutto il processo editoriale, peer review compresa, e supporta testi, immagini, video. Il diritto d'autore è regolato dalle Licenze Creative Commons, appositamente studiate per il materiale digitale (politiche open access). Le riviste ospitate su SIRIO devono adottare politiche di massima apertura. A discrezione del Direttore, la rivista può ottenere una registrazione ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) e una registrazione in Tribunale. Eventuali costi sono a carico delle singole redazioni. L'Università di Torino, inoltre, attraverso la CRUI, aderisce al consorzio DataCite e può quindi assegnare i DOI gratuitamente per tutte le riviste, per la tracciabilità del contenuto. Maggiori informazioni nella sezione "Creare una rivista online: informazioni tecniche". La rivista può essere indicizzata in DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), Google Scholar, Scopus, Web of Science, a seconda dei criteri di inclusione delle singole banche dati/motori di ricerca.
SIRIO@UniTO garantisce la conservazione del materiale digitale. A richiesta, si possono attivare sistemi di Print On Demand (Stampa su Richiesta). Le spese di attivazione del servizio saranno a carico del titolare dei diritti. Sono presenti alcune offerte di editori che offrono il servizio; da richiedere a Per informazioni o consulenza contattare Elena Giglia ( o l'Unità di progetto Open Access. Creare una rivista online: informazioni redazionali
- Definizione della linea editoriale
- Definizione del Comitato Scientifico
- Definizione del Comitato Redazionale
- Definizione del workflow editoriale
Creare una rivista online: informazioni tecniche
- Richiesta ISSN
- Registrazione in Tribunale
- Richiesta DOI
- Indicizzazione in motori di ricerca e banche dati
- Il software OJS
The mission of the review Animot revolves around the concept of “animality”, analyzed as the theoretical entity that directs plenty of cultural and philosophical challenges of our time. We have built, in opposition to animality, our idea of humanity – inventing a duality based on a conventional understanding of nonhuman animals and on the irrational assumption that animals are generic and non-singular individuals. Animot, as suggested by the word coined by Jacques Derrida to pluralize and give back their face to nonhuman animals, is a scientific review exploring the topic of animality in the context of animal studies. It fosters dialogue between architecture and philosophy, natural sciences and art history, political theory and literature and the animals, who become the key to understand countless theoretical issues and to provoke unexpected interpretations. Animot does suggest not only a rethinking of our relationship with nonhuman animals, but, above all, of our idea of what is human and what is animal identity. From this perspective, philosophy and culture face a different stance, a crossroads that will be essential for our future life, and the one we can imagine. -
Archeologie sperimentali. Temi, metodi, ricerche
«Insieme all’etnoarcheologia, l’archeologia sperimentale è una disciplina ‘ponte’ fra ciò che si ha nel presente (i contesti viventi e gli esperimenti controllati) e ciò che si aveva nel passato»
(E. Giannichedda E., 2006, Uomini e cose. Appunti di archeologia, Bari, p. 126)
Archeologie Sperimentali è una rivista scientifica digitale edita dall'Università di Torino e pubblicata con cadenza annuale. Nasce con l'intento di colmare il vuoto editoriale che caratterizza l'Archeologia Sperimentale italiana che, pur essendo riconosciuta come un valido strumento di conoscenza, non ha un luogo dedicato al dialogo tra l'archeologia, le scienze e la sperimentazione.
La rivista si rivolge alla comunità scientifica internazionale per accogliere contributi innovativi ed originali che approfondiscono la conoscenza delle culture antiche attraverso l'utilizzo dei metodi sperimentali. In particolare, l'attenzione è rivolta alle esperienze che operano nel campo dell'Archeologia Sperimentale, dell'Archeologia della Produzione, della Storia delle Tecnologie, dell'Artigianato Storico e dell'Esperienzialità.
L'obiettivo è quello di diffondere l'adozione di approcci pratici, sperimentali e multidisciplinari allo studio del dato archeologico, promuovendo la ripresa del dibattito sui significati e sui metodi dell'Archeologia Sperimentale e creando un luogo di incontro tra ricercatori che operano all'interno di questo ambito. Archeologie Sperimentali aderisce alla "Dichiarazione di Berlino" promuovendo la diffusione online gratuita dei dati e favorendo la comunicazione ed il dibattito scientifico; il progetto riconosce al lettore il diritto di accedere liberamente e gratuitamente ai risultati della ricerca scientifica.
Rivista online di Lingue e Letterature Iberiche e Latinoamericane
Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici · Università di Torino
The Cardozo Electronic Law Bulletin
The Cardozo Electronic Law Bulletin is a peer-reviewed, English and Italian language journal concerned to provide an international forum for academic research exploring the threesholds of legal theory, judicial practice and public policy, where the use of a 'comparative law and literature' approach becomes crucial to the understanding of Law as a complex order.
The Cardozo Law Bulletin, established in 1995 as one of the world first Law Journals on the Web, invites the submission of essays, topical article, comments, critical reviews, which will be evaluated by an independent committee of referees on the basis of their quality of scholarship, originality, and contribution to reshaping legal views and perspectives.
Ciceroniana On Line
CICERONIANA ON LINE (COL) is a biannual digital publication that is produced jointly by the International Society of Cicero’s Friends (SIAC, i.e. the Société Internationale des Amis de Cicéron) and the Center for Ciceronian Studies (Centro di Studi Ciceroniani) in Rome. It welcomes submissions on Cicero (in all his guises, i.e. as a historical figure, author, philosopher, and human being), as well as on topics that fall in the category of Roman Thought.
COL continues the work of Ciceroniana (ISSN 0009-6687), which until 2009 printed the proceedings of the first international Colloquia of the CSC. COL has two ISSN codes since June 2017: the first for the online version (ISSN 2532-5353) and the second for the digital version of Ciceroniana (ISSN 2532-5299), as for years 1959-2009. Ciceroniana's articles have been published and are freely accessible on this website since December 2015.
The first volume of Ciceroniana On Line was published in May 2017. The journal has been directed by Giovanna Garbarino(†) and now (2017) by Carlos Lévy. Ermanno Malaspina is the Executive Director. It has an international scholarly board which currently consists of 17 membersSIAC ( is an intellectual society that is non-profit, independent, apolitical, nonpartisan and nonsectarian. It aims to facilitate the study of Cicero and Roman thought, broadly understood, including the study of philosophy, literature, history, and Cicero’s reception in the following centuries, including the promotion of humanistic ideals in the 21st century. In its program an educational and cultural dimension is also provided.
COSMO | Comparative Studies in Modernism | Rivista del Centro Studi Arti della Modernità |
CoSMo – Comparative Studies in Modernism is an Open Access, online journal first issued in 2012.
The journal hosts research items on various kinds of aesthetic approaches, modes of writing and artistic expression, particularly focusing on the discourses characterizing various Modernisms, their roots and outgrowths, up to postmodernism and after.
The journal’s profile is basically comparative and interdisciplinary, comparing different forms of knowledge, such as literature, philosophy, law, the sciences and the arts, different forms of art, such as literature, cinema, performance, new media, different national cultures, often focusing on the perspectives coming from “other Europes”. These approaches are mainly directed to revisiting avant-garde, modernist, postmodernist movements and their contemporary developments.
De Europa
The main purpose of De Europa is to address the current state of European integration faced with the resurgence of nationalism, which seemed to have been defeated after the Second World War, and Euroscepticism, and to extend scientific research on Europe aimed at stressing the reasons underlying its integration.
To this end, the journal is multidisciplinary in nature and include contributions from different disciplines in order to embrace the complexity and richness of Europe.
De Europa publishes in the following languages: English, French, Italian and Spanish; theme-based issues will alternate with open issues.
De Europa publishes one volume in two biannual issues, in June and December; De Europa Special Issues are published by the University of Turin in the Series Collane (Collane@unito). -
European Journal of Islamic Finance
Registration court of Turin: n°29
Registration date: 21.10.2014
ISSN 2421-2172
Editor-in-Chief: Paolo BianconeThe European Journal of Islamic Finance is an open-access online journal that publishes research papers 3 issues per year that contribute to the development of both the theory and practice of research methods employed across the whole field of Islamic Business and Management, Finance and Banking studies. The readers of this journal mainly include scientific workers, PhD students and other practitioners.
The journal receives manuscripts written in English.
If this is the first time you have contributed an article to the journal, please format your manuscript as per the sample paper and then submit it into the online submission system.In case of any problems with submission or any further inquiries, please send an email to
European Journal of Social Impact and Circular Economy
The European Journal of Social Impact and Circular Economy is an open-access online journal that publishes research papers 3 issues per year that contribute to the development of both the theory and practice of research methods employed across the whole field of Social Impact and Circular Economy. The readers of this journal mainly include researchers, professors, PhD students and other practitioners.
The journal receives manuscripts written in English.
If this is the first time you contribute an article to the journal, please format your manuscript as per the sample paper and then submit it into the online submission system considering all the steps required.In case of any problems in submission or any further inquiries please send an email to
Frammenti sulla Scena (online)
The e-journal Frammenti sulla Scena (online). Studies in Ancient Fragmentary Drama (ISSN 2612-3908) is the official scientific review of the Centre for Studies in Greek and Roman Theatre of the University of Turin.
The journal includes papers dedicated to the investigation of the literary, linguistic, philological, anthropological, philosophical, historical-archaeological and papyrological aspects of fragmentary Greco-Roman drama and of the minor theatrical traditions of the Mediterranean, as well as studies concerning permanence, fortune and exegesis of theatrical texts in ancient, late antique, Byzantine and early Christian times.
The purpose of this journal is to outline a new vision of the literary heritage represented by dramatic texts received in fragmentary form or known by indirect tradition.
The papers published in this journal are subject to a double-blind peer review and to the final judgment of the Scientific Committee, which certifies its validity in compliance with international scientific standards.
The journal is published annually. The papers sent to the Editorial board are published after passing the double-blind assessment. At the end of the year the Editorial board will set up the final number.
The journal is published by the Centre for Studies in Greek and Roman Theatre; scientific director Prof. Francesco Carpanelli, editorial directors Mattia De Poli, Andrea Giannotti and Francesco Paolo Bianchi.
HISTORIKA Studi di storia greca e romana
International Open Access Journal of Greek and Roman History published by
ISSN 2240-774X
e-ISSN 2039-4985
Human Security
Human Security (HS) è una rivista trimestrale edita dal Torino World Affairs Institute, think tank torinese specializzato nell'analisi politica e di sicurezza a livello internazionale. Nata nel 2016, è ad oggi la principale rivista italiana dedicata ai temi della sicurezza umana nelle zone di conflitto.
L'intento di HS è fornire ai suoi interlocutori – professionisti esperti o semplici interessati – una lettura dei conflitti contemporanei che permetta di coglierne genesi, sviluppi e prospettive di trasformazione, nella logica appunto della conflict transformation. Con rigore, ma con uno stile chiaro, asciutto e puntuale, HS propone i risultati della miglior ricerca prodotta in questo campo a livello nazionale e internazionale, curando in particolare le indicazioni di policy che in ogni parte del mondo caratterizzano gli studi dei think tank come T.wai.
Diretta dal dott. Stefano Ruzza, tra gli altri Head of Programme on Violence & Security per T.wai e docente presso l'Università di Torino, HS può contare su una redazione composta da ricercatori e docenti di spessore internazionale.
ISSN 2531-4998
JAm It! (Journal of American Studies in Italy)
JAm It! Journal of American Studies in Italy is an annual, peer-reviewed journal of American Studies that publishes academic articles, book reviews, and creative writing, favoring innovative approaches and contributions. JAm It! is an inclusive hub of intellectual exchanges on a wide range of critical approaches to the field of American Studies. Our thematic section is periodically open to submissions via CFPs. We accept unsolicited submissions for all the other sections of the journal.
Journal of Approximation Software
Journal of Approximation Software publishes in open-access mode well-structured accompanying articles to open-source software (with no charge to authors, readers and users), on all aspects of approximation theory and applications in its broadest sense. Articles will be carefully peer-reviewed and the software tested.
The publisher is University of Torino (Italy) by its open-access platform SIRIO@UniTO.
Implementations can use the most common languages and environments like MATLAB, Python, C, C++, among others. The codes will be posted by the authors on stable public platforms with a clear software versioning policy, such as GitHub.
There will be one general issue per year (with articles published continuously by acceptance date) and possible thematic special issues including conference proceedings.
Journal of Biomedical Practitioners
JBP – Journal of biomedical practitioners is a peer-reviewed journal of technical-scientific and professional nature, geared towards biomedical areas.
JBP aims to be a “meeting place” and a hub of intellectual exchange between professionals who work in any area belonging to the biomedical sciences with clinical, diagnostic, therapeutic, rehabilitative or preventative goals, including both basic and clinical research.
This journal is Open Access from its creation, in order to allow everybody to read it, and publishes papers in Italian (and, whenever possible, in English) to promote communication, integration and cooperation between different professions.
The section Library is devoted to publishing handbooks and monographies, Open Access and free for everybody, drawing on the idea that cultural and professional growth can help improve the performance of biomedical professionals, with a gain for the society as a whole.
JBP also publishes Guidelines and Good Diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance practices in the form of scientific articles or in the form of monographic books with its own ISBN with open access licence; an example at the following link: Guideline for the sonological assessment of carotid stenosis.
- How to write an original article - or an experimental thesis - in the scientific research field
- How to write a Medical Case Report
- Practical guide to drafting a clinical meta-analysis
Subscribing to the journal is free, both as authors (to submit original research papers) and as readers (to receive updates every time a new volume is published)
JBP, consistently with its goals and to allow everybody to access the journal, adopted EasyReading®font as “… useful tool for the readers suffering from dyslexia and font helping all categories of readers”. We thank Easyreading Multimedia S.r.l. for the authorization to use the font.
Support and promote the editorial project of the scientific journal JBP:
Dipartimento di Neuroscienze "Rita Levi Montalcini" - Università di Torino
Other supporters: Journal Sponsorship
Journal of Interdisciplinary History of Ideas
Open access, peer-reviewed journal that publishes studies in the history of interdisciplinary ideas.
It appears biannually, around the solstices. -
Journal of Law, Market & Innovation
The Journal of Law, Market & Innovation (JLMI) is an academic, open-access, online legal journal in English promoted by the University of Turin and the Turin Observatory on Economic Law and Innovation (TOELI).
JLMI aims at offering a cutting-edge forum for the highest level of reflection on these rapidly evolving areas of the law. It accepts articles that focus preferably on an international and comparative perspective, with no geographic limitation.
The JLMI was established to be a forum of excellence that contributes to and promotes the debate on some of the most topical as well as contentious areas of the law. It welcomes contributions from high-profile academics, judges, lawyers, practitioners, civil servants, consultants, and regulatory bodies.
The Editorial Board welcomes submission in all areas of the law connected to: technological and social innovation; economics of innovation; market and financial regulation; economic and business regulation; trade and investment; international business; competition; intellectual property.
JUNCO | Journal of UNiversities and international development COoperation
JUNCO is a scientific journal on issues related to international development cooperation, with a particular focus on the role of Universities in its three tasks (research, education and third mission).
JUNCO’s promoters are the University and the Polytechnic of Turin, in partnership with CUCS (Coordinamento Universitario per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo).
The journal, born from concrete experiences of cooperation and networking between people, disciplines, universities and institutions of various kinds, aims at further promoting collaboration with several actors like the network of the University Coordination for Development Cooperation (CUCS), the Turin School of Development hosted by the UN Campus in Turin, the other actors of development cooperation (NGOs, local authorities, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation), and the many partners of UniTo and PoliTo based in Africa, Asia and Latin America.
Philosophy and goals
JUNCO aims at offering:
- a place for scientific communication, reflexion and debate on the role of Universities in the context of development cooperation, taking into account the variety of performed activities “in”, “for” and “on” the development cooperation, inside and outside universities;
- a place of debate among universities and with other international cooperation actors on current development issues;
- a place where universities and their partners can showcase their research projects and activities
- a training ground for young researchers and an intermediate step between research reports and prestigious international publications.
Features of the journal
JUNCO publishes various kinds of papers: refereed scientific articles, debate notes (non-refereed), travel notes, books reviews, and also descriptions of projects, programs and activities. JUNCO can also publish monographic numbers presenting the research of centres and groups of the two universities.
The journal gives the possibility to publish in the language more relevant to the projects’ activities aims at a strong multimedia presence online and offline.
Kervan. International Journal of African and Asian Studies
Kervan is an international and multidisciplinary discussion platform, dealing with history, politics, economics, sociology, geography, visual culture, languages and literatures of Asian and African countries. It publishes theoretical studies, reviews and surveys, but also detailed empirical studies, critical editions of texts and translations, by both young researchers and established scholars.
Mimesis Journal
"Mimesis Journal" is a journal of theatre studies, founded in 2012, published twice a year (June and December), at the Department of Humanities of the University of Turin. The subtitle "Writings of Performance" indicates that it brings together authors from different countries and generations, academics, artists and researchers, interested in the present and the future of theatre and the performing arts - that is, a plexus that includes modernity and contemporaneity, as well as the most advanced research and theories of the present - in a multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary perspective, thus not exclusively historiographic but oriented in a phenomenological sense. The journal is divided into three sections: 'Essays', 'Viewpoints' and 'Readings and Visions'.
Noctua è una rivista a revisione paritaria che mira a rendere disponibili in formato Diamond Open Access contributi che intendono rappresentare lo stato dell’arte sui problemi della storia del pensiero filosofico e scientifico dai suoi inizi all’età moderna. Sono egualmente pubblicati contributi in ambiti affini, quali la storia delle idee, la storia intellettuale e la storia culturale. La rivista pubblica due numeri l’anno, ed è legata alla collana Quaderni di Noctua.
Noctua is a peer-reviewed journal which aims to make available, in a Diamond Open Access format, outstanding contributions on the problems of the history of philosophy and science from its beginnings to the modern age. It accepts contributions in the kindred fields of the history of ideas, intellectual history, and cultural history as well. Noctua is a biannual journal, and is related to the book series Quaderni di Noctua.
OrizzonteCina publishes original, rigorous essays that foster a more cogent and widespread understanding of the political system, international relations and socioeconomic dynamics in the People’s Republic of China and the wider Chinese-speaking world. The journal welcomes contributions from established and emerging researchers, with the aim of encouraging dialogue between different disciplinary perspectives. It supports the translation into Italian of articles submitted by international scholars.
OrizzonteCina combines the interpretative tools of the social sciences with the philological understanding of sinological studies. It consists of a single-subject section, containing articles and research papers dedicated to an in-depth critical exploration of a particularly salient theme, together with specific features proposed by the Editorial Committee.
The Editorial Committee of OrizzonteCina subscribes to the spirit of the recommendations made by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and aims to ensure a sustained and scrupulous application of international best practice in relation to the ethical propriety of the journal’s publication processes.
The Editorial Committee of OrizzonteCina accepts manuscripts in Italian, English and Chinese. These are subjected to a process of double peer review:
- A single blind review by a member of the Editorial Committee with a close understanding of the disciplinary approach reflected in the article;
- An anonymous double blind review carried out by an external Reviewer who is an expert in the article’s subject matter.
OrizzonteCina is a four-monthly scientific journal registered with the Court of Turin and listed by ANVUR, the national agency for the evaluation of university and research systems. Sponsored by the Torino World Affairs Institute (T.wai), the journal is published in Open Access by the TOChina Hub, the departmental hub of the Department of Cultures, Politics and Society at the University of Turin, which has scientific and editorial responsibility for the journal.
Authors who wish to submit a manuscript or to communicate with the Editors should write to:
Osservatorio MU.S.I.C. Working Paper Series
L’Osservatorio su Mutamento Sociale e Innovazione Culturale (MU.S.I.C.) organizza una collana di working paper denominata “Osservatorio MU.S.I.C. Working Paper Series” a disposizione di tutti gli studiosi. Scopo della collana è promuovere la circolazione di lavori in corso di stesura dedicati a temi legati al mutamento culturale che hanno già una loro compiutezza in termini di struttura e di coerenza interna. Ciascun articolo pubblicato nella collana è contrassegnato da un numero e da un codice identificativo univoco (DOI) che ne permettono facilmente la citazione e la presentazione nel curriculum vitae. Gli articoli parte della collana non sono associati a un codice ISBN o ISSN, e dunque possono essere pubblicati in altra sede una volta giunti alla loro stesura definitiva. Gli articoli proposti per la collana devono essere originali e non pubblicati altrove. L’accettazione di un articolo è subordinata alla discussione dell’articolo stesso nel corso di un seminario organizzato nell’ambito delle attività dell’Osservatorio.
Philosophy Kitchen - Journal of Contemporary Philosophy
Philosophy Kitchen is a contemporary philosophy journal that aims to create a space dedicated to theory, understood as an inextricable relationship between the foundation of knowledge and individual and political practice.
Philosophy Kitchen has an encyclopedic vocation since it believes that philosophy has always been presented primarily as contaminated and connective knowledge: unable to find foundation in itself, philosophy is an unstoppable explorer of impossible connections between different disciplines.
Philosophy Kitchen is a radical ecological space because it has no other purpose than to explore the network made of systems, objects, images, knowledge and institutions in which it is immersed. This is its political vocation: the node that describes the network and its connections are actually changing them.
PinC | Prevenzione in Corso
“Prevenzione in Corso” – Giornale di metodi e pratiche per le tecniche della prevenzione, è la prima rivista italiana a coprire il campo delle Tecniche della Prevenzione nell’Ambiente e nei Luoghi di Lavoro.
Vi sono raccolti i risultati più rilevanti delle ricerche effettuate in questo settore dando anche spazio ai lavori delle tesi di laurea per offrire un’occasione di pubblicazione a chi si affaccia al mondo di questa professione.
Il comitato editoriale ha inoltre ritenuto opportuno destinare maggiore risalto ai metodi e alle pratiche più innovative.
Quaderni di donne e ricerca
The “Quaderni di Donna e Ricerca” (“Research and Women’s booklets”) is a quarterly publication, which is now published electronically. Until no. 7 the issues were available in paper edition and printed in a limited number copies (120). The electronic version as well is “de facto” a publication having the code ISSN 1827-5982.
By their “Quaderni”, CIRSDe promotes the publication of short monographs, which introduces those dissertations which show interesting remarks and in-depth analysis in the field of gender studies. The editorial board for “Quaderni” has privileged research dissertations for two main reasons. First, the editorial board believes that those who carry out research for the first time need to be encouraged and helped to publish the results of their research. Second, the editorial board recognizes that there is the need to promote the entry of new researchers in the field of gender studies. -
QuadRi - Quaderni di RiCOGNIZIONI
«QuadRi» - Quaderni di RiCOGNIZIONI is a series edited by the Scientific Committee and the Editorial Board of RiCOGNIZIONI. Journal of modern languages, literatures and cultures, published online by the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures and Modern Cultures of the University of Turin.
Quaderni di RiCOGNIZIONI host in volume form the results of relevant individual or collective research, conferences proceedings ecc.
La rivista RE|CIBO nasce all’interno della Rete Italiana Politiche Locali del Cibo con l’obiettivo di creare un contesto interdisciplinare di dibattito e di confronto sui temi alimentari. La rivista ospita articoli scientifici (“primi piatti”) e divulgativi (“secondi piatti”), e delle rubriche che anticipano temi di ricerca e raccontano progetti (“antipasti”), e che ospitano recensioni e buone, o cattive, pratiche alimentari (“caffè e ammazzacaffè”).
RiCOGNIZIONI. Rivista di Lingue e Letterature straniere e Culture moderne
RiCOGNIZIONI is an open access, peer review digital journal hosting research on modern languages, literature and culture from both a disciplinary and interdisciplinary perspective. Its aim is to stimulate a dialogue between related scientific fields and encourage contact between different approaches.
The journal welcomes contributions from scholars and young researchers on:
- writers, movements, world cultures
- new and still unexplored areas of language, literature and culture
CrOCEVIA features papers dealing with different linguistic and cultural domains, converging around a common thematic core
InCONTRI hosts debates on current issues related to the social and cultural scene in the form of a round table forum
ItINERARI is a miscellaneous section with contribution from different areas of language, literature and culture
PaSSAGGI features unpublished translations and provides a critical forum on the role of translators
SeGNALI offers readers conference reports, book reviews and information about ongoing research projects
ISSN 2384-8987
* * *
Rivista di Storia dell'Università di Torino
The "Rivista di Storia dell'Università di Torino" has been founded in 2012 with the aim to publish high quality, original research works, by scholars of different fields of specialization, based on well established, as on emerging lines of interdisciplinary historical research on Turin University from its foundation in 1404 to 20th century, on its professors, assistants, students, ...; on their relationships with national and international colleagues and Institutions; on the role played in research, teaching, education and cultural training.
ri.tra | rivista di traduzione: teorie pratiche storie
«ri.tra» è un rivista scientifica (peer-reviewed) internazionale, che esce a cadenza annuale sulla piattaforma OJS SIRIO dell'Università degli Studi di Torino. Si occupa di teoria, pratica e storia della traduzione, in una declinazione plurale e con un focus principale sulla traduzione verso l'Italia.
issn: 2975-0873ojs: www.ritra.itemail: -
RSAJournal (Rivista di Studi Americani, ISSN 1592-4467) is the official journal of AISNA. The Journal publishes scientific contributions pertaining to the field of American Studies, broadly understood to include an interdisciplinary and comparative approach. It is a double-blind peer reviewed journal and is published annually. It welcomes contributions by both members and non-members. Each issue comprises a general section and a thematic section.
Since 2021, RSAJournal is a "Fascia A" (A level) scientific journal.
Gli spazi della musica
Open access journal of musicological and comparative studies research, published by
Università degli Studi di Torino – Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici (StudiUm)
ISSN 2240-7944
Trópos. Journal of Hermeneutics and Philosophical Critique
Trópos. Journal of Hermeneutics and Philosophical Critique (ISSN 2036-542X) was founded in 2008 at the University of Turin (Italy) by Gianni Vattimo, Gaetano Chiurazzi and Roberto Salizzoni. At present, its editor in chief is Gaetano Chiurazzi.
Trópos publishes essays on topics of great relevance in contemporary philosophical debate, in a permanent dialogue with different philosophical traditions. Its main fields of interest include theoretical and practical philosophy, aesthetics, linguistic and literary subjects.
Trópos is published twice per year, until 2020 by Aracne Editrice, since 2021 by OJS in open access. Each publication includes a thematic section, followed by essays on various subjects. The journal publishes invited contributions and essays submitted freely or in response to a Call for papers, which undergo a double blind review process. Contributions are accepted in Italian, English, French, Spanish. Occasionally, also articles in other languages are accepted.
The journal has adopted a Code of Ethics.
Trópos is indexed by ACNP (Catalogo Italiano dei Periodici), ERIH PLUS (European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences), the Philosopher’s Index, the Philosophy Research Index.