No. 18 (2023): Cybernétique. Perspectives sur la pensée systémique


Edited by Luca Fabbris e Alberto Giustiniano

«Ce n’est plus d’une libération universalisante que l’homme a besoin, mais d’une médiation», Gilbert Simondon (1958) would write, concerning the encyclopedic ideal embraced by cybernetics. This encyclopedic inspiration went hand in hand with an explicit desire for renewal of philosophical categories and with the will of overtaking metaphysics’ dichotomies. It is the spectral and disseminated character of cybernetics, its insistence in the interstices of the encyclopaedia, that has led us to devote this issue to it, with the aim of mapping the places of knowledge in which the traces left by cybernetics can be discerned, following its trails, reconstructing its plots, bringing out its modes of being, questioning its legacy and relevance.

Publiée: 2023-03-15