La cibernetica prima della cibernetica. Filosofia, scienza e tecnica in Norbert Wiener (1914-1943)
The paper provides a survey of Norbert Wiener’s scientific work prior to the publication of Cybernetics. Within it, an attempt is made to identify the philosophical-scientific background of cybernetics and to reconstruct the generative process of its main concepts. In conclusion, on the basis of this inquiry, a novel definition of “what we talk about when we talk about cybernetics” is proposed and, on this basis, opens up the need for its critical questioning by philosophy.
Come citare
Ferrari, M. (1). La cibernetica prima della cibernetica. Filosofia, scienza e tecnica in Norbert Wiener (1914-1943). Philosophy Kitchen - Rivista Di Filosofia Contemporanea, (18).
I. Cibernetica. L'evento e i suoi antefatti