History and perspectives of the Chinese diaspora in post-Soviet space


  • Daniele Brigadoi Cologna Università degli Studi dell'Insubria




This article summarizes the historical development of the Chinese diaspora in the post-Soviet space, from the earliest Chinese migrations in pre-revolutionary times to the current situation, highlighting its main trends and its prospects for future development. The historically most important migration flows, such as those that stretched across Eurasia from Zhejiang to Western Europe, dotting post-Soviet space with major and minor migration hubs, and those which took hold in Siberia hailing from China’s northeastern regions during the twentieth century, have all been contracting significantly over the past decade. The development of the Belt and Road Initiative and closer Sino-Russian relations may be a prelude to new Chinese mobilities. These, however, may be less susceptible to long-term incorporation in the territories of the former Soviet Union.



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