The Ph.D.: What is it?

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Francesco Paolo Sellitti
Simone Urietti
Antonio Verolino
Ilaria Stura
Elisa Piccolo
Elena Della Cerra
Mario Gino Coriasco
Sergio Rabellino
Luciana Gennari
Patrizia Gnagnarella
Alessandro Piedimonte
Luca Camoni
Claudio Pobbiati
Giuseppe Mammolo
Cristina Poggi
Francesco Zarrelli
Domenico Riccardo Cammisa


The Italian University reform, initiated in 1999 with Ministerial Decree MIUR no. 509 and subsequently evolved through various legislative measures, is grounded in three key principles: University autonomy, innovation in higher education, and harmonization with the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). The reform aims to facilitate mobility and employability of graduates within the European labor market. Rooted in decisions made by European Union governments under the "Bologna Process" and the intergovernmental agreement signed in Bologna in June 1999, the objective was to establish a European Higher Education Area based on principles of academic freedom, quality, mobility, and openness.

A fundamental element of the reform is the three-cycle educational and degree structure comprising the bachelor's, master's, and doctoral levels. The bachelor's and master's degrees, known in Italy as the "3+2 educational system," each with a specific credit requirement, serve as distinct and propaedeutic educational steps leading to access to the doctoral program, representing the third cycle of studies. The doctoral program emphasizes acquiring interdisciplinary and specific skills for independent research and is a qualifying requirement for an academic career.

Admission to the doctoral program is subject to public selection, and candidates must hold at least a master's degree or equivalent. The doctoral thesis, usually written in Italian and/or English, undergoes evaluation by at least two external reviewers from different Universities, whose favorable opinions are essential for the final doctoral examination. The conclusive defense for the degree takes place publicly before an expert committee. The doctoral degree is also a necessary qualification for participating in public competitions for fixed-term research positions (RTDA and RTDB), with the possibility of subsequent confirmation as tenured associate professors.

In conclusion, the Italian University reform has aligned higher education with European standards, emphasizing the doctoral program as a cornerstone for cultivating high-quality researchers and accessing an academic career. This achievement is realized through harmonization with the principles of the "Bologna Process" and the adoption of a three-cycle university education system with comprehensible and comparable degrees.


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How to Cite
Sellitti, F. P., Urietti, S., Verolino, A., Stura, I., Piccolo, E., Della Cerra, E., Coriasco, M. G., Rabellino, S., Gennari, L., Gnagnarella, P., Piedimonte, A., Camoni, L., Pobbiati, C., Mammolo, G., Poggi, C., Zarrelli, F., & Cammisa, D. R. (2023). The Ph.D.: What is it?. Journal of Biomedical Practitioners, 7(2).


[1] Processo di Bologna / Bologna Process
[2] Associazione dottorandi e dottori di ricerca in Italia,
[3] MUR - Dottorati di Ricerca, nuovo regolamento
[4] Decreto 14 dicembre 2021, n. 226 (Regolamento corsi di dottorato)
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[17] Circolare ministeriale MUR n. 21, Prot. n. 0112284 del 15/09/2022, allegato 2:
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