Current Issue

Vol. 15 No. 1 (2024): China as an agent of international development
					View Vol. 15 No. 1 (2024): China as an agent of international development

Ten years after the launch of the New Silk Roads, this issue of OrizzonteCina explores the systemic implications of China’s growing role in global infrastructure development. Projects funded by Beijing, and often carried out by Chinese companies, have spread across many regions of the world, from Southeast Asia to Eastern Europe, from Sub-Saharan Africa to South America. These initiatives not only represent a continuity with the strategies of multilateral financial institutions but, in many cases, inherit their projects, altering their impact and dynamics. Through a detailed analysis, this issue aims to map the presence and distribution of Chinese investments in development, as well as assess their economic, social, and environmental effects at both national and local levels. Additionally, the issue includes a Forum titled "Conducting Research in and on China Today: Old Challenges in the New Era?", which discusses the problems connected to studying China today and explores potential solutions to address some of these challenges.

Published: 2024-09-28

Feature: "STIP - Science, Technology & Innovation Policy"

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ANVUR, the Italian national agency for the evaluation of university and research systems, lists OrizzonteCina among the Italian scientific journals for Area 14 (Political and Social Sciences). The Editorial Team of OrizzonteCina welcomes manuscripts in Italian, English and Chinese, which will be subject to desk review and double-blind peer review, prior to translation into Italian.

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