“Family Medicine: Who, Why and How”. The experience of the elective teaching activity in general medicine of the second year students of Humanitas University Luigi Maria Bracchitta PDF (Italiano)
Art therapy as a teaching methodology in the course: "Living death: emotional impact on operators". The formative planning from the detection of the needs to the evaluation of the outcomes. Beatrice Marchionni, Vanessa Albertini, Catia Birgolotti, Loredana Birgolotti PDF (Italiano)
Come osservare qualitativamente la formazione a distanza sincrona: strumenti e riflessioni Alessandra Rizzica, Stefania Florindi, Diletta Priami PDF (Italiano)
Italiano: Ricerca qualitativa Maria Milano, Marco Araldi, Livia Giordano, Pier Riccardo Rossi, Veronica Mulatero PDF (Italiano)
Julie A. Hunt, Sarah Baillie, Megan Thompson, Mirja Ruohoniemi, Victoria Phillips, Manuel Boller, Waraporn Aumarm: “Veterinary Educational Researcher's Handbook” R Monica Forni PDF (Italiano)