Revaluating Philosophy: Campanella’s Commentaria and the “Collegio Barberino Project”




Urbano VIII Barberini, Tommaso Campanella, Collegio Barberino, Commentaria, Poemata


The Roman years of Tommaso Campanella were made possible by the protection and patronage of the pope Urbano VIII Barberini. Campanella composed from 1627 to 1631 three series of lengthy Commentaria on the Poemata, the book of Barberini’s Latin poems. What (actually) are the Commentaria? This complex, full-length bunch of manuscripts is often dismissed as pure flattery or as another strange, slightly delirious fruit of the exalted mind of the prophet-monk. We think instead that the Commentaria were seen by Campanella as a new start for his philosophical system, furthermore shedding on it a new light: the light of a system, and the reassuring clarity of a pedagogy. Moreover, with the “Collegio Barberino” project, strongly tied to the Commentaria, Campanella tries to lay the foundations of a new educational system fitted for the new Rome and the cultural needs of the 17th-century élite.

