Practical guide to drafting a clinical meta-analysis

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Ilaria Stura
Alessandra Alemanni
Giuseppe Migliaretti


Meta-analysis (or meta-analysis) is the technique that is used in a systematic review and consists in mathematical-statistical methods that allow to aggregate and combine data and results of different studies with small sample numbers or with discordant results, conducted on the same topic.

It can therefore allow to reach more relevant, reliable and powerful statistical conclusions.

It is important to know how to choose the studies to be considered correctly, to calculate their heterogeneity, to know (and possibly minimize) bias and knowing how to adequately show and comment on results.

This article wants to enclose all the references and steps necessary to write an adequate (and therefore easily publishable) meta-analysis.


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How to Cite
Stura, I., Alemanni, A., & Migliaretti, G. (2020). Practical guide to drafting a clinical meta-analysis. Journal of Biomedical Practitioners, 4(2).


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