Imparare a insegnare il tedesco. La formazione in blended-learning per i futuri insegnanti di tedesco

  • Marcella Costa Università degli Studi di Torino
  • Alexandra Hausner Università degli Studi di Torino
  • Peggy Katelhoen Università degli Studi di Milano
Parole chiave: teacher training, German as a foreign language, blended learning, action research, DLL


Learning to teach German: Blended-learning training programmes for future German language teachers. This article discusses the features of the teacher training course for German teachers held at the University of Turin during the academic year 2012/13. Starting from the description of the framework agreement between our Department and the Goethe Institut Italien, we will then describe the theoretical framework of the new teacher training program Deutsch Lehren Lernen (DLL) as well as its innovative methodological tools and show how the DLL-modules have been implemented in our specific context. The course takes into account the most recent developments in the teaching of German as a foreign language and it is characterized by an innovative approach which includes blended learning and an overall division into modules. The general conceptual and theoretical bases of the course will be presented, with a discussion of its use in specific conditions and needs of Italian foreign language teachers. The article will conclude with an evaluation of the course and proposals for future training of foreign language teachers in Italy.

Biografie autore

Marcella Costa, Università degli Studi di Torino
Associate Professor of German Linguistics at the University of Turin; research areas: contrastive grammar German-Italian, spoken language, interactional linguistics for German as a foreign language, specialized discourse; her recent publications include: S. Bosco, M. Costa (eds.), Italiano e tedesco: questioni di linguistica contrastiva, Alessandria, Edizioni dell’Orso, 2013; M. Costa, B. Müller-Jacquier (eds.), Deutschland als fremde Kultur. Vermittlungsverfahren in Touristenführungen, München, Iudicium, 2010.
Alexandra Hausner, Università degli Studi di Torino
German lector at the University of Turin and German teacher at the Goethe-Institut of Turin; research areas: German as a foreign language, blended learning, teacher-training, CLIL.
Peggy Katelhoen, Università degli Studi di Milano
Lecturer of German Linguistics at the University of Turin; research areas: contrastive analysis, spoken language, German as a foreign language, linguistic mediation. Her recent publications include: P. Katelhön , M. Nied Curcio, F. Schöpp, Sprachmittlung Italienisch, Stuttgart, Klett, 2013; P. Katelhön, M. Costa, M.A. de Libero, L. Cinato (eds.), Mit Deutsch in den Beruf. Berufsbezogener Deutschunterricht an Universitäten, Wien, Praesens Verlag, 2013; P. Katelhön, M. Nied Curcio, Hand- und Übungsbuch zur Sprachmittlung Italienisch-Deutsch, Berlin, Frank&Timme, 2012.

Riferimenti bibliografici

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Come citare
Costa, M., Hausner, A., & Katelhoen, P. (2014). Imparare a insegnare il tedesco. La formazione in blended-learning per i futuri insegnanti di tedesco. RiCOGNIZIONI. Rivista Di Lingue E Letterature Straniere E Culture Moderne, 1(1), 143-152.