
  • Paolo Mairano University of Turin
  • Marta Mois University of Turin
  • Valentina De Iacovo University of Turin
  • Antonio Romano University of Turin


Parole chiave:

Italian, rhythm, prosody, acquisition


Despite the conspicuous number of studies on the acquisition of L2 segmental patterns, research on L2 prosody is scarce and mostly deals with L2 English. In this paper we characterise the rhythmic patterns of L1 English learners of L2 Italian. We analysed read speech of 24 learners and compared them with data of L1 Italian and L1 English and compute several rhythm metrics. The results partially support the hypothesis that learners produce intermediate rhythmic patterns between the L1 and the target language. However, non-normalized rhythm metrics illustrate a different pattern, whereby L1 English learners of Italian seem to overshoot some rhythm characteristics. Such results are explained on the basis of the interference of speech rate and point to the need to use normalized metrics for studying rhythmic patterns of L2 speech. Finally, we did not find significant effects of variables of L2 acquisition (years of study, length of stay in Italy, competence in other Romance languages) on values of rhythm metrics.

Biografie autore

Paolo Mairano, University of Turin

Paolo Mairano is currently teaching fellow at the Universities of Turin (Italy) and Rouen (France), and speech scientist at Nuance Communications Inc. After obtaining a PhD in linguistics from the University of Turin, he worked as post-doctoral research fellow at the Universities of Grenoble 3 (France) and Warwick (UK). His research interests range from phonetic and phonological aspects of L2 acquisition to language typology and speech technologies.

Marta Mois, University of Turin

Marta Mois studies English and Russian at the University of Turin. In 2015 she got a Bachelor's degree in Modern Languages with a thesis in Linguistics with the title "A corpus-based study of syntactic transfer by Italian learners of English". During her Master years she took part to the Erasmus Traineeship project and worked as language assistant at the department of Italian studies of the University of Strathclyde (Glasgow), where she started her researches for the Master degree.

Valentina De Iacovo, University of Turin

Valentina De Iacovo is finishing a PhD in Digital Humanities in collaboration with the Universities of Genoa and Turin, working specifically on the Italian section of the International AMPER “Atlas Multimédia Prosodique de l’Espace Roman” project; she is also organising the LFSAG speech archives and defining a guidelines definition for the prosodic annotation.

Antonio Romano, University of Turin

Antonio Romano is Professor (habil. as Full Professor) at the Dept. of Foreign Languages and Literatures of the University of Turin and scientific director of the Laboratory of Experimental Phonetics "Arturo Genre" and Director of the Master in Translation for Cinema, TV and Multimedia. He is also co-ordinator of AMPER Atlas Multimédia Prosodique de l'Espace Roman (with M. Contini) and director of the Italian committee (AMPER-ITA).




Come citare

Mairano, P., Mois, M., De Iacovo, V., & Romano, A. (2018). ACQUISIZIONE DI FENOMENI TEMPORALI E RITMICI DELL’ITALIANO: ANALISI DI PRODUZIONI DI APPRENDENTI ANGLOFONI DI ITALIANO L2. RiCOGNIZIONI. Rivista Di Lingue E Letterature Straniere E Culture Moderne, 5(10), 121–136.

