oralizzazione, poesia, anglosassone, analisi acusticaAbstract
This paper aims at analysing, in terms of intonation and overall utterance patterns, different ways nowadays available for poetry reading. A comparison is offered between a syntactic interpretaion of the text and reading styles which pay more attention to its layout.
Quite different poetic texts have been chosen in order to show this kind of variation, since they belong to different traditions and periods: “I wandered lonely as a cloud” by William Wordsworth (1798) and “Digging” by Séamus Heaney (1966).
Speech samples are collected through to web and include in one case the reading by the poet himself. Data are labelled through a three-level annotation and the acoustic account is especially reserved to segmentation and tone units’ detection. After a short discussion about the main theoretical points and the new perspectives deriving by the accessibility of spoken poetry data, the paper dresses a few proposals on how to classify a selection of different reading styles.
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