dictionaries for translators, multiword expressions, lemmatisation, terminological relevanceAbstract
A new "line" of dictionaries is proposed, specifically aimed at translators, which abandons the monorematic approach of traditional dictionaries; admits a large number of multiword terms chosen from among the most translated disciplines (such as environmental protection) and raises those terms to the rank of headwords. Other important features of such dictionaries should be boosted consultation speed – to be obtained through a new entry structure - and a reduction in content, i.e. leaving aside words and word meanings already ‘covered’ by the expected linguistic competence of the professional users (translators) to whom they are intended.
With reference to paper dictionaries, the space so gained could make them into practical reference tools, full of reliable and professionally relevant contents.
With reference to electronic and online dictionaries, the additional challenge would be to adopt a natural language search system based on the real searches carried out by translators.
The overall purpose is to have dictionaries that give reliable answers to a high percentage of the queries carried out by translators and prevent them from having to rely too much on non-lexicographic reference sources.References
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