Comment on “Comprehension and interaction in university lectures delivered in English” by Alessandra Molino
English as a Medium of Instruction, Italian Native Speakers, Checking Comprehension, Scientific and Technical Lectures, Discourse MarkersAbstract
Comments on “Comprensione e interazione nelle lezioni universitarie in lingua inglese” di Alessandra MolinoReferences
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Menegale, M. (2011), Teacher questioning in CLIL lessons: how to enhance teacher-students interaction, in C. Escobar Urmeneta, N. Evnitskaya, E. Moore and A. Patiño (eds), Educación plurilingüe: experiencias, research & politiques, Barcelona, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona: 83-100.
Morell, T. (2004), Interactive Lecture Discourse for University EFL Students, in “English for Specific Purposes”, 23: 325-338.
Vinke, A. A. (1995), English as the Medium of Instruction in Dutch Engineering Education, Doctoral thesis, Delft, Delft Technische Universiteit.
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