The Journal

Focus and Scope

OrizzonteCina is a biannual scientific journal registered with the Court of Turin and listed by ANVUR, the national agency for the evaluation of university and research systems. Sponsored by the Torino World Affairs Institute (T.wai), the journal is published in Open Access by the TOChina Centre, the departmental hub of the Department of Cultures, Politics and Society at the University of Turin, which has scientific and editorial responsibility for the journal.

OrizzonteCina publishes original, rigorous essays that foster a more cogent and widespread understanding of the political system, international relations and socioeconomic dynamics in the People’s Republic of China and the wider Chinese-speaking world. The journal welcomes contributions from established and emerging researchers, with the aim of encouraging dialogue between different disciplinary perspectives. It supports the translation into Italian of articles submitted by international scholars.

OrizzonteCina combines the interpretative tools of the social sciences with the philological sensitivity of sinological area studies and consists of a thematic section, a section of individual essays, a sociolinguistic analysis section, columns edited by the Editorial Committee and a space reserved for public debate.

Publication Frequency

OrizzonteCina is published twice a year, with contributions collected in biannual issues. Starting from 2022, OrizzonteCina aligns itself with the best practices of international scientific journals by immediately publishing in digital preview the articles that have completed the peer-review process. These articles, paginated and provided with a DOI code, will be subsequently published as part of the appropriate volume and issue, with relative page numbering.  

Open Access Policy

OrizzonteCina provides open access to its contents, believing that making research freely available to the public improves the global exchange of knowledge.

OrizzonteCina applies a Creative Commons Attribution: CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license to all published material. Under the CC-BY-NC-SA license, authors retain the copyright on their contributions, but grant anyone the ability to download, reuse, reprint, modify, distribute and/or copy published materials, provided that the author and title of the journal are correctly cited. It is not necessary to request further permission from the author or the editorial staff of the journal.

This complies with the Budapest Open Access Initiative's definition of Open Access.

Articles and Submissions Processing Charges (APC)

OrizzonteCina does not ask for Articles Processing Charges (APC) or submissions charges.

Archiving and indexing

This journal avails of the LOCKSS system, on the PKP network, to allow permanent archiving of digital files via international networks.

OrizzonteCina is indexed on the following databases:


All communication with the Editors should be addressed to To submit an article, please proceed to the page For authors.

This site collects all the issues of OrizzonteCina published starting from vol. 11 (2020). The previous volumes (2010-2019) are archived at T.wai.