The multidisciplinary approach to the treatment of paediatric chronic pain: a qualitative analysis through focus groups

Contenuto principale dell'articolo

Aldana Paola Ercolano
Sabrina Galvan
Tessa Louise Marchesan
Alessia Gavioli
Gerardo Papa
Mariarita Todaro
Lidia Berforini D’Aquino
Alessia Zanatta
Andrea Vianello


Background: Access to pain care is recognized as a fundamental human right, ratified by Law 38/2010 and supported by the professional codes of conduct for healthcare practitioners. Pain, defined by the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP), as an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage. It becomes chronic when it persists beyond three months, affecting quality of life and clinical prognosis. The World Health Organization (WHO) has recently promoted a multidisciplinary approach for pediatric chronic pain, integrating physical, psychological, and pharmacological interventions, given the high prevalence of pain in pediatric populations, affecting up to 46% of children and adolescents. However, recent studies highlight gaps in healthcare providers’ competencies in managing pediatric chronic pain, and the need to update professional training and explore further non-pharmacological approaches to improve its management.

Objectives: To explore healthcare professionals’ perceptions and expectations regarding the multidisciplinary approach to chronic pediatric pain, and identify areas for improvement to optimise rehabilitative practices.

Methods: The study adopted a qualitative design, utilizing the Focus Group technique and unstructured interviews, following Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research (COREQ) guidelines. Six pediatric rehabilitation professionals, each with at least 10 years of experience, were involved to investigate the multidisciplinary management of chronic pain.

Results: Family involvement (30%), the multidisciplinary approach (25%), and the biopsychosocial model (20%) were identified as key elements in the management of pediatric chronic pain. The importance of preventing physical complications and improving the child’s quality of life also emerged.

Discussion: The results confirm the importance of a holistic, multidisciplinary approach to managing pediatric chronic pain. However, some critical issues emerged, such as the limited early involvement of rehabilitation professionals and the need for better coordination between different healthcare professionals.

Conclusions: The study highlights that a multidisciplinary and personalized approach is crucial in the management of pediatric chronic pain. While confirming the efficacy of the holistic approach, the results reveal the need for more efficient coordination between professionals and early involvement of rehabilitation specialists. Future studies with larger samples could validate the findings and refine recommendations for effective chronic pain management in pediatric patients.


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Come citare
Ercolano, A. P., Galvan, S., Marchesan , T. L., Gavioli , A., Papa , G., Todaro, M., … Vianello , A. (2024). The multidisciplinary approach to the treatment of paediatric chronic pain: a qualitative analysis through focus groups. Journal of Biomedical Practitioners, 8(2).
Scienze sanitarie della riabilitazione e Clinica medica

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