Editorial norms
Body Text
Use Arial or Times Roman 12 point font. Do not leave a blank line following headings. The
margins for your entire paper should be 1 inch on all four sides. Text should be flush left, ragged
right. Do not use Line breaks or Paragraph breaks. Do not Indent the first line of each paragraph. To
separate your paragraphs, double space. DO NOT use page numbers or running heads.
Throughout the text, when referring to titles of games, movies, books, or online articles, use italics.
E.g: Jaws (Steven Spielberg, 1975), Super Metroid (Nintendo, 1994), etc. Do not use underlines.
Referencing style
Referencing is via footnote.
For extended quotes (three lines or more) from source material, indent the quote 1 point from the
left margin. Flush left the text for the extended quote. The extended quote should be preceded and
followed by one blank line.
References in footnotes should be compiled as follows:
J. Poeschke, Donatello and his World: Sculpture of the Italian Renaissance, New York: H.N.
Abrams, 1993, pp. 105-109.
Chapters in books:
A. Williams, “The Raven and the Nanny. The Remake as Crosscultural Encounter”, in Dead
Ringers. The Remake in Theory and Practice, J. Forrest, L.R. Koos (eds.), Albany: State University
of New York Press, 2002, pp. 163–164. (En dash)
Articles in journals:
J. Newman, “In Search of the Videogame Player. The Lives of Mario”, New Media&Society, 4(3),
2002, p. 405.
It is recommended to separate out subsidiary parts of sentences (em dash—: without spaces before
and after the em dash).
hyphen (-) with compound words. E.g. long-desired moment