Visual Patterns in Crime Representation: Images, Shapes, and Figures of the Italian Giallo (#46-47)


Enigmatic and mysterious, yet codified and recognisable, the ‘crime scene’ tells the human condition — the dark forces that inhabit it alongside the need for truth and justice — forcing the mystery into a system of rules that function as a reassuring order of control, primarily over our fears. If the patterns of detection and investigative procedures seem to confirm the power of rational investigation and its predominance over evil, the visual patterns that encode the crime and its figures are marked by reassuring recursivity. They build the typological canon of crime, certainly creating its recognisable image.

In addition, if crime is a shadow that reveals human nature, the clue of a disorder that looks back at us, the murder calls justice into question, not in its abstract form of judgement, but as a daily exercise in balancing freedom and social norms. Hence the political value of speech and representation of crime, a deviance that we do not wish to see as symptomatic, but rather as infiltrated within the social order. It is not by chance that the dominant pattern of crime in contemporary media often restricts blame to the individuals, marking their monstrous exceptionality and singular specificity, and confining them to the margins of humanity. Criminal action opens up a metaphysical reflection on the evil and inhumanity that belong to us and, concurrently, defines an idea of justice; a reparatory action that relies on the dialogical techniques of truth, with the trial—even more than the sentence—serving as its most emblematic figure.

This issue of ‘La valle dell'Eden’ offers a historical and cultural analysis and reconstruction of the visual culture that characterises the crime scene, the visual memories that traverse it and define its profile, and the perceptual patterns that encode it. The investigation covers every textual form—from illustrations in magazines and collections of crime novels to radio and television series, cinema, and comics—and has one of its focuses on the figures of the body, analysed in the inseparable and mirrored polarity of the mystery tale; the criminal(s) and the ‘law’, represented by the various figures that embody it. The aim is to analyse the symptomatic quality of a genre that seems to embody both the widespread image of deviance and the concept of the reparatory action in 'justice', which should contain its effects.

Within this framework, close to a series of images and figures that shape fear in representations and media, primarily Italian — including cinema, the corpus of Mondadori crime novel covers, radio and television dramas, non-fiction audiovisual productions, illustrated magazines, criminal photography, Lombrosian atlases, etc. — and based on inter- and transdisciplinary approaches that encompass recent and specific areas of study related to 'crime' — such as visual anthropology, criminal photography, theories of justice, the culture of guilt, etc.), we welcome submissions addressed, but not limited to, the following issues and topics:


  • Iconography of the ‘giallo’ genre: solutions and visual motifs that are recurrent—not only subjects and places but also gestures, depictions of the criminal act, poses, postures, atmospheres, dominant colours and sound effects, etc.
  • Prototype and model of the image of the offender; their typological canon and recognisability.
  • Cultural production of the offender and their image; creation of a 'criminal race' — including criminal iconography, facial features and physiognomy, typification, and canonisation.
  • Relationship between crime, criminality, and time/geography (the Italian economic boom and modernization, regionalism and crime spread, etc.).
  • Dynamics of ostentation, concealment, and visual subtraction of crime and the victim.
  • Process as a cognitive pattern for solving the enigma — in radio and television, between investigation and fiction.
  • Processes of construction and deformation of the public image of justice and the representation of law and institutions — including processes, scoops, professions, technologies, etc.
  • Studies on audiences – processes of building a target audience for a crime, 'mitigation', interaction, etc.


Send the proposal to, and in the form of a short abstract (maximum 2000 characters including spaces, in Italian and English) accompanied by a brief biographical note of the author/author (maximum 500 characters including spaces). The deadline for submission of proposals is December 10th, 2024; if accepted, the deadline for delivery of the full essay will be May 30th, 2025.



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