Guidelines for Authors
Articles must abide by the following instructions:
1) Essays should not exceed 50,000 characters in length and should be prepared for the blind review, avoiding then explicit references to the author. They must include:
- an abstract in English of no more than 200 words; if the article is not in English, please provide also a title in English at the beginning of the abstract;
- 5-6 keywords;
2) In a separate sheet:
- Title, author’s name, affiliation and e-mail.
- a biographical presentation of 50-60 words.
3) The footnotes should appear at the end of the page.
The references must be given following the Chicago Manual of Style.
Articles in Italian can use also the system Author-Title, according to the following examples:
Books: J. Derrida, De la grammatologie, Paris, Minuit, 1967; tr. it. di R. Balzarotti, F. Bonicalzi, G. Contri, G. Dalmasso, A.C. Loaldi, Della grammatologia, Milano, Jaca Book, 19982,, p. 123.
Collected books: G. Pasquino, Lo sviluppo politico, in Antologia di scienza politica, a cura di G. Sartori, Bologna, II Mulino, 1970, pp. 419-472.
Articles in Journals: M.M. Kellner, Democracy, in «Journal of Politics», 37 (1975), n. 4, pp. 35-64.
Already quoted books or articles:
- Pasquino, Modernizzazione e sviluppo polìtico, cit., p. 67.
- Weber, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, trad. it. cit., vol II, p. 3.