The Political Dimension of Evangelical Fundamentalism in the USA

  • Paolo Naso
Keywords: religious right, Christian fundamentalism, Christian agenda


The R factor – where R stays for religion – is one of the major elements of the current US politics. In particular the Republican party and the Administration are influenced by waves of religious fundamentalism proposing a strong political agenda in domestic and in foreign policy as well. The arise of religious fundamentalism is not a new phenomenon at all. What is new is its political impact after 9/11 and its consequences in the US self-perception in the international scenario. The article explores the different waves of Christian fundamentalism and their evolution: from the origin related to the creationism vs. evolutionism debate; to the “religious right” in and immediately after the Reagan’s years; to its new millenarist theology outlining global war scenarios starting from the conflict in the Middle East and pushing the Administration to pursue a “Christian agenda” to restore supposedly traditional American values. Because of its military and cultural extremism this trend will not produce long term consequences. Nevertheless it can trouble seriously the democratic process and the constitutional principle of Church/State separation.
