Cyberbullismo e revenge porn

Come l’emergenza pandemica ha amplificato nuove forme di devianza

  • Antonio Gattamelata
Parole chiave: Cyberbullying, Revenge Porn, Pandemic, Emergency, Deviance


The pandemic and isolation have exacerbated the phenomena of cyberbullying, which is a form of bullying conducted through telematic tools, and of revenge porn, one of the most feared threats by victims of online violence. Isolation and forced "confinement" at home seem to have amplified these deviant phenomena, because the computer and technology in general have often represented the only company for teenagers, deprived of any kind of sociability. This article intends to provide some of the most recent statistical data in this regard, proposing a reading that describes the different characteristics, a possible psychological framework, both for the authors and for the victims and possible hypotheses of intervention. Given that these phenomena represent real crimes, punishable by law, we considered it useful to identify the legal framework about them.

Come citare
Gattamelata, A. (2022). Cyberbullismo e revenge porn: Come l’emergenza pandemica ha amplificato nuove forme di devianza. RiCOGNIZIONI. Rivista Di Lingue E Letterature Straniere E Culture Moderne, 9(18).