Dalle pagine della Fackel agli Ultimi giorni dell’umanità. Karl Kraus e la guerra


  • Riccardo Morello Università degli Studi di Torino



Parole chiave:

Kraus, Fackel, War, Poetry, End.


 From Fackel’s pages to The Last Days of Mankind. Karl Kraus and the War. Between 1915 and the end of the war, Karl Kraus, an Austrian intellectual who had made political satire and criticism of journalistic language, engages in a fierce battle against the inhumanity and cruelty of war. On the pages of Fackel, a magazine published by him for over thirty years, from 1899 to 1936, he gathers many texts that then come together in the tragedy of the Last Days of Mankind, a great work, dripping horror, which seeks to represent the unrepresentable.

Biografia autore

Riccardo Morello, Università degli Studi di Torino

Full professor of German literature at the Departement of Foreing Languages and Literatures and Moderne Cultures, University of Turin. He studied Austrian modern and contemporary literature, poetry, theater, and investigated the relationship between music and literature. He published essays about the Biedermeier literature (Stifter, Gotthelf and Grillparzer) and about the literatur of the 20th century (Celan, Kraus, Bernhard, Thomas Mann, Améry).

Riferimenti bibliografici

A. Fonti

Kraus, K. (1968-76), Die Fackel, 12 Bde, Frankfurt am Main, Kösel.

Kraus, K. (1959a), Worte in Versen, Frankfurt am Main, Kösel.

Kraus, K. (1959b), Die letzten Tage der Menschheit, Frankfurt am Main, Kösel.

Kraus, K. (1980), Gli ultimi giorni dell’umanità, a c. di R. Calasso, Milano, Adelphi.

B. Letteratura secondaria

Benjamin, W. (1972), Deutsche Menschen. Eine Folge von Briefen in Gesammelte Schriften, IV.1, Frankfurt am Main, Suhrkamp.

Calasso, R. (1980), La guerra perpetua, postfazione, in K. Kraus, Gli ultimi giorni dell’Umanità, Milano, Adelphi.

Canetti, E. (1976), Der neue Karl Kraus, in Das Gewissen der Worte, München, Hanser.

Magris, C. (1982), Il vendicatore della natura, in Id., Itaca e oltre, Milano, Garzanti.

Trakl, G. (1974), Poesie, a cura di E. Pocar, Milano, BUR.

Schick, P. (1965), Karl Kraus, Hamburg, Rowohlt.




Come citare

Morello, R. (2014). Dalle pagine della Fackel agli Ultimi giorni dell’umanità. Karl Kraus e la guerra. RiCOGNIZIONI. Rivista Di Lingue E Letterature Straniere E Culture Moderne, 1(1), 51–58. https://doi.org/10.13135/2384-8987/544

