Da Franz Woyzeck a Raymond Norwood Bell. Rimandi testuali a Woyzeck di Georg Büchner in Geblendeter Augenblick di Gert Jonke

  • Barbara Taddei Università degli Studi di Torino
Parole chiave: Georg Büchner, Woyzeck, Alban Berg, Wozzeck, Gert Jonke, Geblendeter Augenblick, textual references, existentialism


From Franz Woyzeck to Raymond Norwood Bell: Textual references to Georg Büchner’s Woyzeck in Geblendeter Augenblick by Gert Jonke. This article describes a series of examples of textual references to the unfinished drama Woyzeck (1835) by Georg Büchner, contained in the short story Geblendeter Augenblick. Anton Weberns Tod (1996) by Gert Jonke. Despite the textual correspondences, the analogies between Jonke’s charachter Raymond and Büchner’s Woyzeck are more illusory than real though. And indeed, the underlying concepts of existentialism in Jonke’s text are basically alien to Büchner’s tangible accusation to society.

Biografia autore

Barbara Taddei, Università degli Studi di Torino
She graduated in Lingue e Letterature straniere at the University of Torino in 2012 with full marks and publication recommended for the thesis La critica al romanticismo nelle opere di Georg Büchner (A Critique of Romanticism in Georg Büchner’s Works). Her reaserch interests focus on Georg Büchner, Heinrich Heine and Vormärzliteratur in general, as well as on Karl Kraus and Kurt Tucholsky, as two of the authors who witnessed and documented the crisis of their times through their satirical writings.

Riferimenti bibliografici

A. Fonti

Büchner, G. (2003), Woyzeck [19881], a cura di H. Dorowin, tr. it. di C. Magris, Venezia, Marsilio.

Jonke, G. (1996/2002), Geblendeter Augenblick. Anton Weberns Tod, in Id., Stoffgewitter, Salzburg u. Wien, Residenz Verlag, pp. 94-159; ed. it. La morte di Anton Webern, a cura di C. Grazioli, Padova, Meridiano Zero (tr. ing. Blinding Moment: Four Pieces About Composers, tr. by V. Kling, Ariadne Press, 2009).

B. Letteratura secondaria

Alban Berg ˂http://esteticadellamusica.blogspot.it/2011/05/alban-berg.html˃ [consultato in data 31.01.2013].

Dodecafonia ˂http://www.soloclassica.it/dodecafonia.htm˃ [consultato in data 31.01.2013].

Friedrich, G. (2012), »… Was von der doppelten Natur«. Zur Ambivalenz des Büchnerschen Naturbegriffs zwischen Daseinsethos und Zivilisationsbruch, in “Cultura tedesca”, 42/43: 1813. Büchner. Hebbel. Wagner, pp. 41-57.

Gelli, P. (2007) (a cura di), Wozzeck, in Id., Dizionario dell’opera 2008 [20051], Milano, Baldini Castoldi Dalai, pp. 1403-1407.

Grazioli, C. (2002), Gert Jonke, o il cammino verso la nuova scrittura, in Jonke (1996/2002), ed. it. pp. 5-17.

Moldenhauer, H. (1962), The death of Anton Webern. A drama in documents, London, Vision.

Come citare
Taddei, B. (2014). Da Franz Woyzeck a Raymond Norwood Bell. Rimandi testuali a Woyzeck di Georg Büchner in Geblendeter Augenblick di Gert Jonke. RiCOGNIZIONI. Rivista Di Lingue E Letterature Straniere E Culture Moderne, 1(1), 269-279. https://doi.org/10.13135/2384-8987/512