https://doi.org/10.13135/2384-8987/3081Parole chiave:
Ghérasim Luca, French poetry, music, XXth centuryAbstract
“Musicienne du silence”: the carp’s song by Ghérasim Luca
This work questions the music’s metaphor in Ghérasim Luca’s poems in light of the experiences they initiate. Ghérasim Luca, poet and artist, explores the meaning disruption within language: a poem such as “Ré alité”, presented as a music score, is based on a syllabic dislocation. This leads both to the spatialization of the text and to its phonological and material aspect appearing sharply. This can be construed as a writing experimentation that plays with the music of the sounds to signify the language frailty and the fecundity when it is recognized in its materiality. Indeed, the neologism “ontophonie”, invented by Ghérasim Luca to describe his own work, insists on the exploratory nature of the poetic process and defines an artwork where silence, sounds and voice appear as founding principles. From this perspective, the notion of performance becomes crucial as it highlights the very hic et nunc of the reading process (the creation being a “creaction”, as written by Ghérasim Luca himself in “Je m’oralise”).
Riferimenti bibliografici
A. Fonti primarie
Luca, Ghérasim (1960), Exactamo. Maison de mots, Paris, sans mention d’édition. Poème-tract.
Luca, Ghérasim (1963 [2008]), Sept slogans ontophoniques, Paris, José Corti.
Luca, Ghérasim (1986 [1984]). Théâtre de bouche, Paris, José Corti.
Luca, Ghérasim (2001), Héros-Limite [1953], suivi de Le Chant de la carpe [1973] et de Paralipomènes, Paris, Gallimard.
Luca, Ghérasim (2012), La Fine del mondo. Scelta di poemi tradotti da Alfredo Riponi, Rita R. Florit, e Giacomo Cerrai. Novi Ligure (Alessandria), Joker.
Luca, Ghérasim (2018), Je m’oralise, Paris, José Corti.
Mallarmé, Stéphane (1998), Correspondance choisie, in Œuvres Complètes, « Bibliothèque de la Pléiade », Paris, Gallimard.
Wagner, Richard (2013), Écrits sur la musique, traduit de l'allemand et annoté par Jean-Louis Crémieux-Brilhac et Jean Launay, Paris, Gallimard.
B. Letteratura secondaria
Carlat, Dominique (1998), Gherasim Luca l’intempestif, Paris, José Corti.
Karampagia, Valentina (2013), Écriture et danse contemporaines. Une lecture de Gherasim Luca et de Dimitris Dimitriadis à l'épreuve du performatif. Thèse de doctorat soutenue à l'Université Paris III - Sorbonne Nouvelle.
Peirce, Charles Sanders. Écrits sur le signe.(1978), traduit de l'anglais et commenté par Gérard Deledalle, Paris, Seuil.
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