• Isabella Amico di Meane Università degli Studi di Torino
Parole chiave: Varieties and translation, Sociolinguistic variation, Linguistic variety, Geographic and social dialect, Multilingual texts


UntergetauchtClandestina: voices in Nazi Berlin. A sociolinguistic analysis. The article deals with the problems related to the translation of multilingual texts, in which diatopic, diastratic and diaphasic varieties play a key role both in terms of style and characterization of the characters and their milieu. On the basis of the autobiographical work Untergetaucht. Eine junge Frau überlebt in Berlin 1940-1945, which recounts the extraordinary story of Marie Jalowicz Simon, a young Jewish woman who survives underground in Nazi Berlin for three years, the sociolinguistic markedness of the text – whose narrative and dialogues are informed by different varieties of German, including the Berlin dialect – will be investigated according to the levels of analysis and the theoretical-descriptive framework proposed by Schwitalla/Tiittula 2009. The translation strategies adopted in the Italian version in order to render its variegated linguistic repertoire will be then described focussing on substandard elements as well as on the linguistic-textual means used by the author to create the illusion of orality and considered in relation to the criteria set out by Berruto 2010 with regard to the sociolinguistic adequacy of translation.

Biografia autore

Isabella Amico di Meane, Università degli Studi di Torino
Assegnista di ricerca presso il Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Straniere e Culture Moderne dell'Università degli Studi di Torino

Riferimenti bibliografici

A. Fonti

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Jalowicz Simon, M. (2014), Gone to Ground: One woman’s extraordinary account of survival in the heart of Nazi German, ed. by Irene Stratenwerth, Hermann Simon, translated by Anthea Bell, London, Profile Books

Jalowicz Simon, M. (2015), Clandestina. Una giovane donna sopravvissuta a Berlino 1940-1945, a cura di Irene Stratenwerth, Hermann Simon, tr. it. di Isabella Amico di Meane, Torino, Einaudi

Jalowicz Simon, M. (2015), Clandestine, édité par Irene Stratenwerth, Hermann Simon, traduit par Bernard Lortholary, Paris, Flammarion

B. Letteratura secondaria

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Berruto, G. (2010), Trasporre l’intraducibile: il sociolinguista e la traduzione, in Comparatistica e intertestualità. Studi in onore di Franco Marenco, a cura di Giuseppe Sertoli, Carla Vaglio Marengo e Chiara Lombardi, Alessandria, Edizioni dell’Orso: 899-910.

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Kahn, M. (2011), How to deal with dialects in translation?, in The translator as author. Perspectives on literary translation, proceedings of the international conference, Università per Stranieri of Siena, 28 - 29 May 2009, a cura di Claudia Buffagni, Berlin, LiT: 103-116.

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Schwitalla, J., Tiittula, L. (2009), Mündlichkeit in literarischen Erzählungen. Sprach- und Dialoggestaltung in modernen deutschen und finnischen Romanen und deren Übersetzungen, Tübingen, Stauffenburg-Verl.

Come citare
Amico di Meane, I. (2018). UNTERGETAUCHT – CLANDESTINA. VOCI NELLA BERLINO NAZISTA: UN’ANALISI SOCIOLINGUISTICA. RiCOGNIZIONI. Rivista Di Lingue E Letterature Straniere E Culture Moderne, 5(9), 79-98. https://doi.org/10.13135/2384-8987/2679