A Possible Poetics of the Subversive Prose under Communist Regimes

  • Alex Goldiș Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania Sextil Pușcariu Institute of Linguistics and Literary History, Cluj-Napoca, Romania


The breakdown of the epic wholeness specific to the Thaw novel enables writers to undermine the politics of Stalinism. Influenced by Vincent Jouveʼs analysis of the mise-en-texte of values, the paper emphasizes on undermining rhetorical strategies such as ellipsis, narrative focus or sympathy towards certain characters. One of the first occurrences of the ephemeral genre known as “the novel of the obsessive decade”, Marin Predaʼs Risipitorii (1962) is used as a case study for the defending a poetics of subversion.

Biografia autore

Alex Goldiș, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania Sextil Pușcariu Institute of Linguistics and Literary History, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  • Assistant Professor, Ph.D. at the Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca
  • Researcher at the Sextil Pușcariu Institute of Linguistics and Literary History in Cluj-Napoca. 

Riferimenti bibliografici

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Come citare
Goldiș, A. (2017). A Possible Poetics of the Subversive Prose under Communist Regimes. RiCOGNIZIONI. Rivista Di Lingue E Letterature Straniere E Culture Moderne, 4(7), 57-64. https://doi.org/10.13135/2384-8987/2117