A Homage to Tony Cowie (1931-2015), a Distinguished Lexicographer


  • Virginia Pulcini Università degli Studi di Torino
  • Carla Marello Università degli Studi di Torino



Parole chiave:

Anthony Philip Cowie, Lexicographer, Lexicography, English Language Studies


Obituary of lingust Anthony Philip (Tony) Cowie (1931-2015)

Biografia autore

Virginia Pulcini, Università degli Studi di Torino

Professore Ordinario di Lingua Inglese SSD L-LIN/12

Riferimenti bibliografici

Cowie, A.P. (1981), The treatment of collocations and idioms in learners’ dictionaries, in “Applied Linguistics”, 2.3: 223-235.

Cowie, A.P. (ed.) (1987), The Dictionary and the Language Learner (Lexicographica, Series maior 17), Tubingen, Max Niemeyer.

Cowie, A.P. (1989), Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English, Oxford, OUP. (OALD4)

Cowie, A.P. (ed.) (1998), Phraseology - Theory, Analysis and Applications, Oxford, OUP.

Cowie, A.P. (1999), English Dictionaries for Foreign Learners - A History, Oxford, OUP.

Cowie, A.P. (ed.) (2008), Oxford History of English Lexicography, Oxford, OUP.

Cowie, A.P. (2009), Semantics, Oxford, OUP.

Cowie, A.P. (2012), IJL: Dictionaries, Language Learning and Phraseology, in “International Journal of Lexicography”, 25.4: 386-392.

Cowie, A.P., Mackin, R. (1975), Oxford Dictionary of Current Idiomatic English, Volume 1. Verbs with Prepositions and Particles (First edition).

Cowie, A.P., Mackin, R. (1993), Oxford Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs, Oxford, OUP.

Cowie, A.P., Mackin, R., McCaig, I. (1983), Oxford Dictionary of Current Idiomatic English, Volume 2. Sentence, Clause and Phrase Idioms.

Cowie, A.P., Mackin, R., McCaig, I. (1993), Oxford Dictionary of English Idioms, Oxford, OUP.

Hornby, A.S., Cowie, A.P., Windsor Lewis, J. (1974), Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English, Oxford, OUP. (OALD3)

Moon, R. (1998), Fixed Expressions and Idioms in English, Oxford, Clarendon Press

Rundell, M. (1999), Dictionary Use in Production, “International Journal of Lexicography”, 12.1: 35-53

Sinclair, J. (1991), Corpus, Concordance, Collocation, Oxford, OUP.

Summers, D., Rundell, M. (1987), Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (Second edition).

Sinclair, J.M., Hanks, P., Fox, G., Moon, R., Stock, P. (eds) (1987), Collins Cobuild English Language Dictionary.




Come citare

Pulcini, V., & Marello, C. (2015). A Homage to Tony Cowie (1931-2015), a Distinguished Lexicographer. RiCOGNIZIONI. Rivista Di Lingue E Letterature Straniere E Culture Moderne, 2(4), 285–288. https://doi.org/10.13135/2384-8987/1532

