Anthologies and readers in the 16th century in Portugal: Accounts from André Rodrigues Eborense (1498-1573) and Jorge Ferreira de Vasconcelos (1515?-1585).


  • Maria do Rosário Laureano Santos FCSH, Universidade Nova de Lisboa



anthologies, maxim, sententia, Portuguese literature (16th century)


Anthologies and readers in the 16th century in Portugal: Accounts from André Rodrigues Eborense (1498-1573) and Jorge Ferreira de Vasconcelos (1515?-1585). The anthologies have remained in Western culture from the Antiquity to the present day. In the Middle Ages, the maxims and sententiae of the Greek and Latin authors were compiled into anthologies, which have circulated among the clergy, in the court, or in the universities. After the removal from their original context, the maxims were grouped into new thematic organizations and have gained a broader and universal sense. In the 16th century, the anthologies, that could have an individual or collective use, were books used for reading or just for consulting within different purposes, whether for personal enjoyment, for schooling, or yet to help the writer in his function.

In this paper, our aim is to reflect on the use of the anthologies of two Portuguese authors of the 16th century: André Rodrigues Eborense (1498-1573) and Jorge Ferreira de Vasconcelos (1515?-1585).


Author Biography

Maria do Rosário Laureano Santos, FCSH, Universidade Nova de Lisboa

Assistant Professor at Departamento de Estudos Portugueses of FCSH-UNL. She graduated in Classical Philology, at Faculdade de Letras de Lisboa and obtained her PhD in Portuguese Literature of the 15th and 16th centuries at FCSH-UNL, with a Thesis on the Jorge Ferreira de Vasconcelos’s comedy Ulissipo. She is researcher at Centro de História da Cultura (CHC-FCSH-UNL).


A. Bibliografia primária

Eborense Lusitanum, A. Rodrigues (1557), Sententiae, & exempla / ex probatissimis quibusque scriptoribus collecta, & per locos communes digesta per (…). Et ne oneroso volumine grauaretur lector, totum opus in duos diuisum est tomos: quorum alter sententias, alter exempla refert, Lugduni, apud Theobaldum Paganum.

Eborense, A. Rodrigues (19882), Sentenças para a ensinança e doutrina do príncipe Dom Sebastião / (…), introd. de L. de Matos, nota prévia, transcrição e notas de A. Pinheiro e A. Rita, Lisboa, Banco Pinto & Sotto Mayor.

B. Bibliografia secundária

Correas, G. (2000), Vocabulario de Refranes y Frases Proverbiales, Edição de Louis Combet, revisada por R. Jammes e Maité Mir-Andreu, Madrid, Editorial Castalia.

Erasmo, D. (1564-1566), Adagiorum D. Erasmi Roterodami epitome. Ex nouissima chiliadum recognitione excerpta, Antuerpiae, ex officina Christophori Plantini.

Laureano Santos, M.R. (2012), «Em torno do Trattato sull’Amicizia de Matheus Ricci», in P. Ceccucci (coord.), Macau e o Oriente nas Literaturas de Língua Portuguesa – Receios e Seduções, Atas do Congresso Internacional “Quarto Centenario della Morte di Padre Matteo Ricci (1552-1609)”, Roma, Società Editrice Dante Alighieri, pp. 33-38.

Laureano Santos, M.R.C. (2007), A Comédia Ulissipo de Jorge Ferreira de Vasconcelos. Estudo e Edição Crítica. Lisboa, [s. n.] Tese apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de Doutor.

Plutarco, Apophthegmata Laconica [O texto encontra-se disponível no sítio-web Perseus em <>, <http://www.perseus.>].

Ricci, M. (2009), On Friendship, One Hundred Maximes for a Chinese Prince, ed. T. Billings, New York, Columbia University Press.

Ricci, M. (20102), Dell’amicizia, ed. F. Mignini, Macerata, Quolibet.

Terêncio (1988), A moça que veio de Andros, introdução, versão do latim e notas de W. de Sousa Medeiros, Coimbra, CECH-INIC.

Textor, R. (1600), Theatrum poeticum atque historicum: sive Officina Io Ravisii Textoris, post Conr. Lycothenis vigilias ad meliorem ordinem redactam dispositam & innumeris in locis correcta: cum Cornucopiae libello aucta ex Natalis Comitis mythologiae libris aliquot et Geofredi Linocerii Vivariens mythologiae musarum libello…, Basileae, Sumpt. Andreae Cellarii.



How to Cite

Laureano Santos, M. do R. (2014). Anthologies and readers in the 16th century in Portugal: Accounts from André Rodrigues Eborense (1498-1573) and Jorge Ferreira de Vasconcelos (1515?-1585). RiCOGNIZIONI. Rivista Di Lingue E Letterature Straniere E Culture Moderne, 1(1), 263–267.

