Refractions of a Kaleidoscopic World: A Reading of V. Majakovskij’s Works


  • Francesca Galfione Researcher



Mayakovsky – Ripped verse – Formal analysis – Poetic credo - Displacement


A formal approach has been chosen to investigate Vladimir Mayakovsky’s poetic credo: the functional analysis of the literary process constitutes the guiding principle for the description and classification of the analysed issues. A small selection of poems has been investigated focusing on rhythmic elements and stylistic procedures: the texts are divided into their component parts, so that the constructional processes can be analysed according to their artistic function. Mayakovsky’s “ripped” verse reminds us of Cubism, being made up of a continuous succession of microtmesis and palindromes; it arouses a sort of “shift” in the literary language and generates a fuzzy semantic system, in which the semasiological weight of each lexeme undergoes a change due to its disposition in the verse line. Once the formal analysis on the selected poems was completed, it appeared clear how specific rhythmic-syntactic devices and formal procedures actually carry with them not just a solid poetic vision, but also a subliminal sense of humanity.

Author Biography

Francesca Galfione, Researcher

Francesca Galfione ha studiato presso l’Università degli Studi di Torino, dove ha discusso una tesi di letteratura russa dal titolo “Rifrazioni di un mondo caleidoscopico: per una lettura stilistica ‘altra’ di V. Majakovskij nel contesto del futurismo russo”. Sta proseguendo il suo percorso di studi presso lo stesso Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Straniere e Culture Moderne nel Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Traduzione.


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How to Cite

Galfione, F. (2016). Refractions of a Kaleidoscopic World: A Reading of V. Majakovskij’s Works. RiCOGNIZIONI. Rivista Di Lingue E Letterature Straniere E Culture Moderne, 3(6), 81–91.

