About the Journal



The magazine Re_Cibo was created within the Italian Network of Local Food Policies (https://www.politichelocalicibo.it) with the aim of creating an interdisciplinary context for debate and discussion on the theme of food, thus looking at its different meanings, the different phases and dimensions of food systems, the food-territory relationship and the construction of food policies.

The magazine is divided into several sections. The first, 'Appetizers', hosts three columns: in 'A Taste' we talk about projects in progress, innovative projects whose protagonists include cities, territories, universities and associations and which, as a rule, do not emerge easily in the public debate. The second column, 'What's boiling in the pot', gives space to a topic around which various actors are working. The third column, 'Almost cooked', deals with a research project developed within a team, in which several aspects of the methodology or analysis and evaluation of the results are not yet final, but still open. The aim is therefore to receive ideas, contributions and stimulate a debate with potential readers.

After the 'Starters' follow the central courses made up of the longer articles - our first courses - or the shorter ones - our second courses -, all of which are peer-reviewed in the usual way.

This is followed by a third section called 'Coffee and Killer', again consisting of three columns: 'Food for the Soul', 'Good to Eat' and 'Street Food'. The first features reviews of books, but also articles and conferences; the second brings to the reader's attention some good (or bad) practices from local territorial contexts; the third reports experiences and updates on food policies from Italian cities, but not only.

In fact, the Re_Cibo magazine also wants to be open from an international point of view and aspires to host articles and contributions for its columns that come from other territorial contexts besides Italy, with a particular focus on the 'global south'. It will therefore be possible to publish articles not only in Italian, but also in other languages: Spanish, Portuguese, French and English.