Coriandoli di senso. Meaning in Architecture, Over Time


  • Carlo Olmo Politecnico di Torino



Meaning in Architecture is, on the one hand, a possibly significant text; on the other, a theme that has crossed recent decades of architecture, with different and varied meanings and pervasiveness. It is, therefore, necessary to frame the historical value and the political nature of a look towards the opportunity constructed by Jencks and Baird, on the one hand tracing the matrices of meaning and opportunity, on the other looking at the meanings with which the term meaning lends itself both in the cultural geography of the end of the twentieth century and, in fading and negative, in the more contemporary debate, where the theme is programmatically evaded and, at the same time, placed at the centre of planning and cultural actions that take advantage of partial and political readings of a theme that instead it urgently needs a new thematization.

Author Biography

Carlo Olmo, Politecnico di Torino

Graduated in Philosophy and Modern Literature in Turin in 1968-69 and is now Professor Emeritus of History of Architecture at the Polytechnic University of Turin. He has taught at the EHESS in Paris, the MIT in Boston and numerous other universities. Former Dean of the Faculty of Architecture in Turin and President of the Conference of Deans, he has directed the Dictionary of 20th Century Architecture and founded Il Giornale dell'Architettura and the Urban Center Metropolitano di Torino. He is the author of over 530 publications, and his most recent monographs are published by Donzelli.



How to Cite

Olmo, C. (2024). Coriandoli di senso. Meaning in Architecture, Over Time. Philosophy Kitchen - Journal of Contemporary Philosophy, (21), 59–65.



section 1 - theories & practices