«Grammar is Ours». Literary Theory with Wittgenstein

  • Florent Coste Université de Lorraine


Despite his reputation for austerity, Wittgenstein’s conceptions of language have fostered poetic creation (Hocquard, Royet-Journoud, Waldrop, Antin, etc.). This article proposes to imagine what a wittgensteinian theory of literature would look like, and how it would enable us to approach literature in a fresh new light. In particular, it gives us the means to fight against linguistic alienation.

Author Biography

Florent Coste, Université de Lorraine

Florent Coste is a lecturer in medieval literature and a literary theorist. He teaches at the Université de Lorraine. He is the author of two monographs Explore. Investigations littéraires (2017) and L'ordinaire de la littérature. Que peut (encore) la théorie littéraire ? (2024).

How to Cite
Coste, F. (2024). «Grammar is Ours». Literary Theory with Wittgenstein. Philosophy Kitchen - Journal of Contemporary Philosophy, (20), 193-201. https://doi.org/10.13135/2385-1945/10882