Traces of an experience, memory of a performance

What remains of Pina Bausch's "Café Müller" in the memories of spectators


The essay proposes a historical-theoretical reflection on Pina Bausch’s Café Müller (1978) and introduces and contextualizes the texts commissioned to Italian dance critics and scholars of different generations for the Café Müller Installation set up in November 2018 at La Lavanderia a Vapore (Collegno) as part of the Maratona Bausch project. Dancing memory, rethinking history. The event, curated by Susanne Franco, was conceived as a memory machine to pay homage to Pina Bausch ten years after her death, to the artistic heritage she left us and which has indelibly marked the theatre scene of the 20th and 21st centuries and, in particular, to forty years after her debut.


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Author Biography

Susanne Franco, University Ca’ Foscari of Venice

Susanne Franco è professore associato all’Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia. Ha pubblicato numerosi studi e traduzioni sulla danza moderna e contemporanea e la metodologia della ricerca. Con Marina Nordera Dance Discourses. Keywords in Dance Research (Routledge, 2007) e Ricordanze. Memoria in movimento e coreografie della storia (UTET Università, 2010). Ha diretto la collana “Dance for Word/Dance Forward. Interviste sulla coreografia contemporanea” (L’Epos 2004-2011). Attualmente coordina l’unità di Ca’ Foscari per il progetto europeo “Dancing Museums. The Democracy of Beings” (2018-2021) ed è responsabile del progetto internazionale di ricerca “Memory in Motion. Re-membering Dance History” (2019-2021). Come curatrice di eventi e workshop di danza ha collabo- rato con Hangar Bicocca (Milano), la Fondazione Querini Stampalia (Venezia), la Foundation Pinault- Palazzo Grassi (Venezia) e la Lavanderia a Vapore-Fondazione Piemonte dal vivo (Torino).

How to Cite
Franco, S. (2019). Traces of an experience, memory of a performance: What remains of Pina Bausch’s "Café Müller" in the memories of spectators. Mimesis Journal, 8(2), 103-113.
Points of view