Theatre pedagogy in the school

Theatre and emancipatory education

Keywords: Theatre, pedagogy, education


The aim of this essay is to present an idea of theatre pedagogy for the use of theatre in the educational context (first-grade secondary school): this work is offering a reflection, with no claim to exhaustiveness, but with the promise of a coherent exercise, aimed at guiding the structuring of articulated and effective didactic-theatre projects. There are numerous studies on the pedagogy of theatre: among the most recent, Mango’s experience appeared as a monograph in “Costellazioni”, issue 24, Theatre and pedagogical processes, to which must be added Rivoltella’s latest volume Drammaturgia didattica, as well as the text edited by Pontremoli Elementi di teatro educativo, sociale e di comunità. In such an encouraging and stimulating framework we can move not only in a reconnaissance logic, but also in a propositional direction, also interpreting the Italian ministerial indication of Law 107/2015 (paragraph 181) on theatre education in schools. The essay will start from the definition of the third millennium school’s didactic needs and the opportunities offered by the object Theatre. Ultimately, an annotated operational project is presented, through the classic scheme of the interdisciplinary learning unit.


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Author Biography

Aurora Caporali

Ph.D in Theatre History and Italian Philology, cultrice della materia for the same disciplines at UniPG, Aurora holds a Diploma in Archivistics, Diplomatics and Palaeography from ASPG. A member of the scientific committee of the journals 'Avanguardia' and 'Scholia', she has published essays, in scholarly journals and A-range journals on theatre history, Italian literature and theories and techniques of publishing a printed text. In December 2022 Morlacchi Spettacolo published her monograph "Il teatro comico di Giovan Battista Marzi". Aurora has given academic and doctoral lectures at the Università degli Studi di Perugia and at the Università per Stranieri di Perugia and has participated as a speaker at numerous national and international conferences. She has collaborated, both for research and teaching purposes, with ISUC (Institute for the History of Contemporary Umbria) as well as with Fondazione Patrizio Paoletti - an organisation recognised by MIUR - which deals with research in the neuro-scientific, psycho-pedagogical, educational and social fields. Aurora participated in the Erasmus+ Biennial of figurative drawing and painting-KA227 project. Since 2020, she has been also an active member of the international project Pro Learn (involving six different organisations -public bodies, NGOs and SMEs- from 5 EU countries: PL, CY, GR, IT, RO).

How to Cite
Caporali, A. (2022). Theatre pedagogy in the school: Theatre and emancipatory education. Mimesis Journal, 11(2), 47-68.