The taste of education: Indian tradition and the experience of artistic imitation

Keywords: rasa, Indian aesthetics, imitation, acting, aesthetic experience


The notion of rasa in Indian aesthetic tradition refers to an experience whose outcome is both pleasure and education, as the foundational myth of performing arts in yaśāstra’s first chapter maintains to be the object of the “fifth Veda”. Commentators on the treatise attributed to Bharata elaborated on rasa and its nature, often diverging in their interpretations, which Abhinavagupta (x-xi cent.) resumes and discusses in his exegetical work. The Kashmiri Shivaite polymath envisages the spectator’s experience as a sharing of the states of being displayed by the performer, whose acting “generalizes” them beyond any individual peculiarity, and allows a delighted “tasting” of emotions in their universal expression. Such kind of tasting is equated to a non-ordinary, non-wordly experience, the consciousness of the non-duality of the universe itself. The poet’s and the actor’s work is not to “imitate” reality in the current sense of the term, but to cleanse it from its occasional traits in order to attain the knowledge of things as they really are, which is the ultimate end of human education.


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Author Biography

Edoardo Giovanni Carlotti, University of Turin

Senior researcher, he teaches History of Asian Theatre at DAMS (University of Turin). His previous research concerned the European stage (English- and French-speaking areas) between the nineteenth and the twentieth centuries, with a special attention to the Symbolist movement, as well as eighteenth- and nineteenth-century treatises on the art of acting. His current research interest focuses on the tradition of Asian theories of the theatre (Indian dramatic aesthetics in particular), and on the perspective of a cross-disciplinary (physiology, cognitive neuroscience, aesthetics), as well as historical cultural, approach to the experience of performing arts. He published over fifty works, including books, papers and other writings.

How to Cite
Carlotti, E. G. (2022). The taste of education: Indian tradition and the experience of artistic imitation. Mimesis Journal, 11(2), 29-46.