The empty time

The art of bodies in education: schools, communities and society


In its broadest performative sense, theatre is the art of individual and social bodies, aimed at the formation, education, development and building of single persons, groups, communities. It does this in many ways and forms, ranging from play to religious rituals. Performing arts and practices take place in special, unproductive, sacred, empty times and support the generation, regeneration, well-being and health of people, groups, communities, societies. They represent the eros of destruction, the true bugbear of humanity, to tame and cure it. A growing political crisis underlies our current troubles. Nuclear threat, climate crisis, economic downturn, civil wars, national and international conflicts are leading us towards self-destruction. Only the mobilisation, cooperation, proactive action of the widest number of individuals, groups, communities, institutions, peoples and nations can save us and our planet. We need to meet, get to know and understand each other, imagine solutions, enact the eros of construction on a local and global scale. This essay attempts to demonstrate how the art of bodies is the main tool for the glocal creation of personal, public and planetary health pathways in education, in schools, communities and in the entire society: something neither global markets nor sovereign states are considering.


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Author Biographies

Claudio Bernardi

Già ordinario in discipline dello spettacolo, presso la Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore nelle sedi di Milano e Brescia, è libero ricercatore del CIT-Centro di Ricerca e di Iniziativa Teatrale “Mario Apollonio” di Milano. È stato Principal Investigator del PRIN Progetto di Ricerca di Interesse Nazionale (2017-2020) Per-formare il sociale. Formazione, cura e inclusione sociale attraverso il teatro. Fino al 2014 è stato condirettore artistico con Carla Bino di Crucifixus, Festival di primavera, il più importante festival italiano di arti, musica, teatro e tradizioni del sacro. Dai suoi esordi accademici, nel 1985, collabora alla ricerca, progettazione e realizzazione di drammaturgie festive, comunitarie e sociali. Tra le sue pubblicazioni: La drammaturgia della Settimana Santa in Italia (1991); Carnevale, Quaresima, Pasqua. Rito e dramma nell’età moderna (1500-1900) (1995); Corpus hominis. Riti di violenza, teatri di pace (1996); Il teatro sociale. L’arte tra disagio e cura (2004); Agenda aurea. Festa, teatro, evento (2012); Eros. Sull’antropologia della rappresent-azione (2015).

Pier Cesare Rivoltella, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart

Full professor of Teaching Methodologies and Education Technologies at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan, here he founded and is head of CREMIT (Centre for Research on Media Education, Innovation and Technology), coordinates the Degree in Primary Education Sciences and is director of the second level master course MEM - Media Education Manager. Founder and current president of SIREM (Italian Society for Research on Media Education), he is editor of the journal "REM - Research on Education and Media" and of the journal "EAS – Essere a Scuola"; he is co-director of "Scholè. Rivista di educazione e studi culturali' and is a member of the scientific committee of several specialised journals, in Italy and abroad. He is a member of the School Commission of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. He holds courses at various Italian and foreign universities. Among his works: Drammaturgia didattica, Scholé, Brescia 2021; Nuovi alfabeti, Scholé, Brescia 2020; Il corpo e la macchina (with P.G. Rossi), Scholé, Brescia 2019; Le virtù del digitale, Morcelliana. Brescia 2015.

How to Cite
Bernardi, C., & Rivoltella, P. C. (2022). The empty time: The art of bodies in education: schools, communities and society. Mimesis Journal, 11(2), 13-28.