Retrospective observational study on therapeutic adherence of patients with respiratory failure due to various ethiopatogenesis conducted by the Pulmonology clinic of “Cardinal Massaja” Hospital in Asti.

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Erika Passarino
Sandro Longu
Giorgio Bergesio



The objective of the study was to evaluate the potential of therapeutic efficacy, adherence to respiratory treatment and the mortality rate in a sample of patients in charge at the Pulmonology clinic of “Cardinal Massaja” Hospital in Asti.


In the period from January 2014 to April 2021, a sample of convenience of 299 people was recruited including: 63 with Respiratory Failure (RF), 90 with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and 146 with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS), within a retrospective observational study design. As concerns data analysis, the following methods of inferential statistics have been used: mean, range, significance ranges and the Welch correlation T-test.


Data analysis shows that the compliance of patients diagnosed with RF is 73%, COPD 62% and OSAS 81%. The mortality rate of the sample is 10,7% in FR, 2,8% in COPD and 1,5% in OSAS. The average value of pCO₂ at T0 was 47,063 mmHg, while at T1was 46,850 mmHg.


The sample part with RF retains a generic diagnosis without subsequent specific framing. COPD patients present adherence and mortality data similar to those that were found through scientific literature search.


There is high compliance rate and good therapeutic efficacy for the treatment of OSAS.


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How to Cite
Passarino, E., Longu, S., & Bergesio, G. (2022). Retrospective observational study on therapeutic adherence of patients with respiratory failure due to various ethiopatogenesis conducted by the Pulmonology clinic of “Cardinal Massaja” Hospital in Asti. Journal of Biomedical Practitioners, 6(2). Retrieved from
Nursing sciences


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