How to write a Medical Case Report

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Cinzia Casu


Case reports are articles traditionally used in different medical specialties to share important clinical information for the improvement of medical treatment of patients. The aim is to describe a clinical case treated in an unconventional way, previously not described in the scientific literature, or to document a condition or pathology that differs from those traditionally described, presenting itself as a variant or a new entity. Case reports are often a source of inspiration for larger clinical studies to verify the validity of a particular tool or a new diagnostic or therapeutic method. Many syndromes were discovered thanks to the initial publication of a case report, concerning patients with atypical symptoms and signs. It is essentially divided into the sessions: Introduction, Case Presentation, Discussion, References. The iconographic documentation is very important and must be of high quality. Only at the end the abstract will be created, and usually it has between 200 and 250 words.

This work will provide clear information on the preparation of each session of this type of scientific article, on how to choose and prepare the photos, and on how to carry out the bibliographic research. It is also important to distinguish between Case Report and Clinical Image, the latter is a simpler type of article, with a description of the clinical case that concerns a particular manifestation of a lesion, or an atypical clinical presentation of a pathology.


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How to Cite
Casu, C. (2020). How to write a Medical Case Report. Journal of Biomedical Practitioners, 4(2).


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