Electrophysiological correlates of different relaxation states induced by hypnosis

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Matilde Debenedetti
Sergio Vighetti
Paola Perozzo
Emanuela Nobile
Maria Teresa Molo
Pietro Cantafio


Objective. The following study has been focused on the evaluation of the variation of the electrophysiological signals (qEEG) in different relaxation states induced by hypnosis. In particular: 1) states where relaxation has been induced by traditional hypnosis techniques (TT); 2) states where relaxation has been induced by rapid hypnosis techniques (TR).

Materials and methods. All participants voluntary participated to the study and has been recruited with specific anagraphic and health criteria, without any past history of psychiatric or neurologic illness. The study has been conducted in the Carlo Molo Foundation (Turin, Italy) where participants has been divided randomly in two groups (TT and TR groups). In both groups, before and after the hypnosis induction, EEG activity in four frequency bands (alfa, beta, theta, delta) has been recorded and analysed.

Results. The data showed, in the TR group, where deep relaxation has been induced by rapid hypnosis techniques, a significant increase of the delta rhythm while no significant changes has been observed in the TT group, where deep relaxation has been induced by traditional hypnosis techniques.

Discussion. Results of this study show how rapid hypnosis techniques modify awareness faster and deeper than traditional techniques, as highlighted by the significant increase of the delta rhythm only in the TR group.


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How to Cite
Debenedetti, M., Vighetti, S., Perozzo, P., Nobile, E., Molo, M. T., & Cantafio, P. (2019). Electrophysiological correlates of different relaxation states induced by hypnosis. Journal of Biomedical Practitioners, 3(2). https://doi.org/10.13135/2532-7925/4100


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