Efficacy Of Cardiovascular Rehabilitation In Diabetic Subjects: systematic review of the Literature.

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Rossana Cuscito
Laura Sanrocchi
Annamaria Servadio
Matteo Tamburlani


Introduction and objective

Cardiovascular disease is the leading primary cause of death mortality in diabetic patients. Considering the high incidence and prevalence of both diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases in the Italian population, it is essential to study rehabilitation approaches for the prevention of complications. Our objective is to establish and evaluate the most specific and effective form of physical exercise for the conservative treatment of diabetes mellitus.

Materials and methods

This Systematic Review has been conducted in accordance with the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systemic review and Meta-Analyses) checklist. The literature search was done using the following databases: PubMed, Pedro, Scopus, LILACS and Trip Database and was conducted from December 2022 to October 2023. The pedro scale was used to evaluate the methodological quality of the articles included.


After the review, 9 randomised controlled trials (RCTs) were selected. The final score obtained in the evaluation of the included RCTs varies from 5 to 8, with an average score of 7.2 on the PEDro Scale. The analisys revelead that multiple treatment strategies: regular exercise, interval exercise, aerobic training, endurance training and combined training.

Discussion and Conclusion

The results of this Systematic Review highlight that regular exercise has the potential to be effective in reducing, or at least slowing down, the risk of developing damage to the physical and functional health of the individual. The considerable variation in the methods, times and form of the proposed rehabilitation interventions, as well as the wide variability of the outcome measures used, prevents the identification of a preferred protocol for this type of patient.


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How to Cite
Cuscito, R., Sanrocchi, L., Servadio, A., & Tamburlani, M. (2024). Efficacy Of Cardiovascular Rehabilitation In Diabetic Subjects: systematic review of the Literature. Journal of Biomedical Practitioners, 8(1). https://doi.org/10.13135/2532-7925/10353
Physical medicine, physiotherapy and rehabilitation


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