The algorithmic window on reality


The centrality of the device in image studies has highlighted how host medium (Belting) plays a role of primary importance in regulating the lives of its users. The devices “speak”; and at the same time they suggest, organize, invite to “see” and, consequently, “to do”. The economy of the visual becomes the economy of the imaginary, because of the effects that the image has, as Morin carefully investigated in his tetralogy on technical images. Important is the way in which images are proposed and circulated within the dimension of the algorithms that structure the search engines and social networks. This essay starts from the logic that characterizes these algorithms which organize a specific proposal to the user, which reflects their tastes and vision of reality; the purpose is twofold: on the one hand, we intend to investigate this specific form of “new visual regime” created by the operational image (Farocki) joined with the algorithm; on the other hand, we intend to highlight the importance of some visual studies that aim to develop “strategies” (Mirzoeff) against “political employment” (Bredekamp) of technical images.

How to Cite
Rabbito, A. (2023). The algorithmic window on reality. La Valle dell’Eden, (41-42), 23-37.