Rethinking Human: Transcendental Idealism Technologized

  • Daina Habdankaite Vilnius University, University of Turin
Parole chiave: Malabou, Meillassoux, Stiegler, Technology, Transcendentalism


In this paper the relationship between human and machine is conceptualized by reading Quentin Meillassoux, Bernard Stiegler and Catherine Malabou. The paper traces their debt to Kantian transcendentalism and exposes their differences in treating the relationship between subject and its surroundings. While Meillassoux’s non–correlational subject is showcased to be problematic due to his unclear concept of mathematical mediation, Stiegler and Malabou’s takes on epigenesis are proved to be more fruitful, yet different in relation to the idea of materiality, approaches in conceptualizing the human–machine relationship and its future creative potential.
