I processi a catalogo

L'ontologia storica e le sue implicazioni

  • Giacomo Pezzano Università di Torino
  • Gabriele Vissio Università di Torino


Processes Under Cataloging: Historical Ontology and Its Consequences. This paper moves from the discussion about the debate on the nature and the tasks of ontology in last decades. Then, we focus on the research program that goes under the name of “Historical Ontology”, claiming that it poses the exigence of the articulation of a “ProcessMetaphysics”: an ontology which is able to give an account of the emergence of novelties in the world and of the transformation of things. Going in search of the possibility of such an ontology in the history of ontology, we suggest that it can be found in the perspective of the Stoicism. Thus, finally, we offer an interpretation of the Stoicism which is filtered by some contemporary readings and theories, and we highlight the ground features of a possible Process Metaphysics through the presentation of four main Stoicism’s topics: Logic, Physics, Language, and Ethics.
