La secrète noirceur du lait

  • Giuseppe Longo
Keywords: Arithmetic, Discretization, Access, Measure, Historicity, Formalization


Two aspects are fundamental to the construction of scientific knowledge: access to “reality” and the analysis of its dynamics. We will outline the enormous challenges of measurement, as “access”, in physics and biology, as well as the challenges of intelligibility posed by the diversity of processes. If we identify reality with a database of digital, exact data, we erase the problem of access and if, moreover, we identify any process with a computable function, we no longer see the classical nuances, the quantum fluctuations, the biological historicity. Wolfram and his acolytes explain to us that the Universe is a large digital computer and the laws of nature are algorithms (sometimes interactive ones: ecorithms), that a body falls because it is programmed to fall (little interaction in this case), that numbers are intrinsic to reality, independently of any physical/biological measurement, that «what cannot be computed cannot be thought» (Ladyman, Ross, 2008), that DNA drives organisms in the ecosystem. A new ontology, some explicitly tell us. The ontology of GAFAM and Monsanto. An answer is possible in the reconquest of the meaning of our human gestures in our spaces of humanity, including those proposed by geometry, starting from Euclid.
