'What is' Philosophical Practice

Between Hermeneutics and Critique

  • Guido Brivio Università di Torino
Keywords: philosophical praxis, hermeneutics, critic, deconstruction, logistikon, way of life


In an attempt to give a share for a theoretical foundation de jure of the philosophical praxis, this paper seeks the discipline’s proprium, or its ti esti in Aristotelian lexikon. In this manner, we will recognize and outline de facto the methodological line of this praxis. In paradigmatic terms, the philosophical praxis will therefore be recognized as either logos – discursive rationality and the game of the faculties ruled by the logistikon – or as a critical thinking exercise – basically as thematizing prejudices and their deconstruction and reconstruction. Or it will be recognized as an endless research of meaning – known as an interpretative comparison, conflicting and smelting, of the views of the world and the related growth of being – and finally as way of life, i.e. as biographical evidence and living understanding mediated through the dialogical experience.
