Ermes e Prometeo
Tra “ermeneutica” e filosofia della tecnica, a partire da Jacques Derrida
Technique, Rhetoric, Fable, Derrida, ResponsibilityAbstract
In the need to find models to think about the relationship between hermeneutics and philosophy of technology this contribution intends to highlight the profound, if not constitutive, link that exists between hermeneutics, understood in a broad sense, and technology. The reading of two papers - Psyché. Invention de l’autre and No apocalypse, not now: à toute vitesse, sept missiles, septs missives - held by Jacques Derrida in 1984, at Cornell University, allows us to investigate in an original way, both the need to problematize differently the way of posing and understanding the relationship between the two terms, and to recognize the urgency and responsibility of thought, as an effective expression of a conscious taking of responsibility. Through Derrida, we can finally recognize the profound and inseparable intertwining between rhetoric and technology, between fabulous production and technical production.