Il rispecchiamento simbolico dell’universale

  • Emma Lavinia Bon Università del Piemonte Orientale
Parole chiave: advaita, Non-aliud, Universal, Intercultural Philosophy, Symbol


The purpose of this contribution is to investigate the relationship between the universal and the particular from a metaphysical point of view, through the original notion of symbolic mirroring which we will therefore try to develop and elaborate. Thus, it will be shown that: 1) the connection between the universal and the particular is in itself symbolic; 2) the notion of non-duality is fruitful in clarifying the symbolic mechanism at the center of the discussion; 3) the symbol, unlike the sign, requires a mystical crossing. We will develop and argue these theses through a reference to Benjamin on a linguistic level, to Cusano, Eriugena and Indian Kashmir Shaivism on an ontological level, with particular attention to the notions of non-aliud and advaita as forms of non-duality.
