American Studies in Italy

Historical Legacies, Public Contexts and Scholarly Trends

  • Maurizio Vaudagna University of East Piedmont
Keywords: AISNA, American Studies in Italy


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Author Biography

Maurizio Vaudagna, University of East Piedmont

Maurizio Vaudagna (1945-2023) was professor of Contemporary History at the University of East Piedmont, as well as founder and director of the Piero Bairati Center for Transatlantic American Studies. His many publications include The New Deal and the American Welfare State: Essays from a Transatlantic Perspective (1933-1935) (Otto 2014); Shifting Notions of Social Citizenship: The Two Wests (Columbia UP 2017, with Alice Kessler-Harris); The American Century in Europe (Cornell UP 2003, with R. Laurence Moore); Corporativismo e New Deal (Rosenberg & Sellier 1981).
