“Na barafunda da Europa”. Reverberations of the Great War in the First Version of Húmus (1917)
“Na barafunda da Europa”. Reverberations of the Great War in the first version of Húmus (1917). In 1916 Germany declared war on Portugal, in the same year the Portuguese Raul Brandão had almost completed the first draft of his experimental novel Húmus, published in 1917. In this version of the novel, two chapters deal with the tragedy of the First World War. These chapters were later eliminated by the writer in the following versions of his work. In these apocalyptic pages, he describes Europe as a vast pile of smoking ruins, as well as he imagines, against this setting, the uprising of the downtrodden masses and the grotesque funeral of the Belle Époque.
A. Fonti
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B. Letteratura secondaria
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