German Poetry of the 20th century – A proposal for a didactic unit.


  • Michaela Reinhardt Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale



German poetry, literary aesthetics, secondary schools, active learning approach


German Poetry of the 20th century – A proposal for a didactic unit. The didactics of foreign literature represents a discipline whose theoretical components are still not very well developed. The planning aspects in this field (in this case German literature) interest transversely numerous areas, from linguistics, literary aesthetics and cultural history to pedagogy and the psychology of development.

The objective of the present essay is to illustrate several fundamental considerations concerning the planning of a didactic unit, based on the theoretical premises of the above-mentioned disciplines. For this purpose, there is a description of the various phases of planning a didactic unit for German poetry, elaborated together with the students during the lessons. The program, based principally on the reception theory as well as the didactic approach of competences, inevitably leads to a critical revision of the traditional canons proposed by the textbooks presently in use in the secondary schools.

Author Biography

Michaela Reinhardt, Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale

Lecturer in German Studies at the Universityof Eastern Piemontein Italy. Her research interests include the German language in contemporary literature and using theatre as a teaching method for German language learning. Since 2004, along with Marco Pustianaz, she has coordinated the TiLLiT Theatre Project, a theatre in language production (Universityof Eastern Piemonte). Recent publications: Theatertexte–Literarische Kunstwerke (2014); Neuhochdeutsch II (2013); “Vi proibisco di capirmi”- La poesia dell’inconciliabile. Introduzione Parte II (2013); Fatzer- (2013); Theaterarbeit im universitären Sprachunterricht (2010).


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B. Letteratura secondaria

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How to Cite

Reinhardt, M. (2014). German Poetry of the 20th century – A proposal for a didactic unit. RiCOGNIZIONI. Rivista Di Lingue E Letterature Straniere E Culture Moderne, 1(1), 153–161.

